那些因父母婚姻破裂而深受伤害的孩子们,即使在长大成人之后,创伤也无法痊愈。 1971年可被视作美国婚姻发展史中的一个分水岭。在此之前,离婚在美国非常少见,那些“破碎家庭”的子女往往感到在人前抬不起头。而此后短短几年,离婚率却直线上升,1976年已高达5‰。70和80年代的大部分时间里,每年约有100万儿童亲眼目睹父母分道扬镳。除了这些“破碎家庭”,另有一些所谓的“单亲家庭”和“混合家庭”。但是,无论多么美妙的名字也无法掩盖家庭破裂的实质。
Children who have been harmed by the rupture of their parents’ marriages can not heal even after they grow up. 1971 can be seen as a watershed in the history of American marriage. Prior to this, divorce in the United States is very rare, those “broken families” children often feel disappointed in front of people. In a few short years thereafter, however, the divorce rate rose linearly, reaching as high as 5 ‰ in 1976. For the most part in the 1970s and 1980s, about 1 million children saw their children part ways each year. In addition to these “broken families,” there are other so-called “single-parent families” and “mixed families.” However, no matter how wonderful the name can not hide the essence of family breakdown.