目的 探讨用固定矫治的方法矫正成年人上前牙缺失伴前牙反牙 合后再修复缺失牙的效果和临床价值。方法 20例患者均用固定矫治的方法解除前牙反牙 合后再行固定义齿或种植义齿修复缺失的前牙。结果 20例矫治后均取得正常的咬合关系和正常的失牙修复,平均追踪2年,未见反牙 合复发和修复牙的异常。结论 用固定矫治方法解除成年人前牙缺失后的反牙 合再行义齿修复,保证了失牙修复功能和美观效果,是保证缺牙区良好咬合关系的有效方法。“,”Objective To explore the effect and value of prosthetic treatmentafter fixed orthodontic correction in treating adult patients who suffered from upper anterior teeth loss as well as anterior cross bite. Methods 20 cases of indicative patients were included in the present study.After relief of cross bite,the lost anterior teeth were repaired with fixed or implant-supported denture. Results All patients got normal occlusal relationship and had their lost teeth repaired. Follow-up study showed no cross bite reoccurrence and no abnormality of the repaired teeth. Conclusion Relief of cross bite followed by repair of lost teeth is an effective way to restore function and appearance and to reconstruct normal occlusal relationship in managing adult patients with upper anterior teeth loss and anterior cross bite.