为了解白掌属植物杂交授粉和结实特性,建立杂交选育群体,对白掌属13个种或品种植物进行了组合授粉杂交试验,实施杂交组合24个,9个杂交组合和S.floribundum开放自然授粉处理获得了果实和种子,培育了授粉后代群体;不同组合结果率为15.8%~100%,果实成熟需要50~108 d。各杂交组合每果实种子数为1~10.5个,种子具不同的大小、颜色和表面纹饰形态;不同组合的种子萌发率差异很大,从0.63%到84.67%,成苗率为0.63%~72.63%。结果表明,品种间容易杂交,而不同种间杂交结实率和正常发育种子率均较低。在泰勒×大花白掌和亮叶白掌×大花白掌两个组合中出现了黄化苗,比例分别为17.73%和16.1%。
In order to understand the characteristics of cross pollination and fruiting of the genus Palus, a crossbreeding group was established, and the combination of pollination and hybridization was performed on 13 species or varieties of white genus Pallas. 24 hybrid combinations, 9 hybrid combinations and S.floribundum Pollinated fruits and seeds were obtained, and pollination progeny population was cultivated. The results of different combinations were 15.8% -100%, and the fruit ripened for 50-108 days. The number of seeds per fruit in each cross was 1 ~ 10.5 seeds with different size, color and surface ornamentation morphology. The seed germination rate varied greatly from 0.63% to 84.67% and the seedling rate was 0.63% ~ 72.63 %. The results showed that crossbreeds were easy to cross, while seed setting rate and normal seed germination rate were lower among different species. There was yellowing seedlings in two combinations of Taylor × large white palm and bright white palm × large white palm, the proportions were 17.73% and 16.1% respectively.