From the movie Cars
故事梗概:“闪电”麦奎因出生时就是一部性能优良的高级赛车,作为新手的它在“活塞杯”大奖赛上大出风头,成为冠军的有利争夺者。然而,过分自信和高傲使它身边没有一个知心朋友。一次偶然的事故,让麦奎因来到一个位于“Route 66”高速公路边上的小镇。这里居住的几乎全部是快被淘汰的旧款车。它们在繁华的现代社会中另辟蹊径,建立了一个与世隔绝的原始世界。作为赛车场上的明日之星,麦奎因本来不屑与这些上不了台面的生锈铁皮打交道,然而在被困在镇上的几日里,他却渐渐被这些淳朴的汽车居民们所吸引,甚至发现村里的赫德森大夫竟是当年大名鼎鼎的冠军赛车……
Lightning McQueen: Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving’s incredible!
Doc Hudson: Wonderful. Now, go away.
Lightning McQueen: Hey, I mean it. You’ve still got it!
Doc Hudson: I’m askin’ you to leave.
Lightning McQueen: Come on. I’m a racecar, you’re…a much older racecar, but under the 1)hood you and I are the same.
Doc Hudson: We are not the same! Understand? Now, get out.
Lightning McQueen: How could a car like you quit at the top of your game?
Doc Hudson: You think I quit?
[Lightning McQueen saw the old newspaper on the wall.]
Lightning McQueen: Your big 2)wreck in ’54.
Doc Hudson: ①They quit on me. When I finally got put together, I went back expecting a big welcome. You know what they said? “You’re history.” Moved right onto the next 3)rookie standing in line. ②There was a lot left in me. I never got a chance to show ’em. I keep that to remind me never to go back. I just never expected that that world would...would find me here.
Lightning McQueen: Hey, look, Doc, I’m not them.
Doc Hudson: Oh, yeah?
Lightning McQueen: No, I’m not.
Doc Hudson: When is the last time you cared about something except yourself, 4)hot rod? ③You name me one time and I will take it all back. Uh-huh. I didn’t think so. ④These are good folk around here, who care about one another. ⑤I don’t want ’em depending on someone they can’t count on.
Lightning McQueen: Oh, like you? You’ve been here how long and your friends don’t even know who you are? Who’s caring about only himself?
Doc Hudson: Just finish that road and get outta here!
Smart Sentences
① They quit on me. 它们放弃了我。
quit: to give up sb. or sth., usually with coldness(放弃某人或事,通常是态度冷漠)
e.g. After Mike’s repeated mischief, his teacher quit on him. 迈克不停地捣乱,老师终于把他放弃了。
Similar expression: turn away from
Suitable occasion: oral, informal
② There was a lot left in me. 我仍有雄心大志。
There was a lot left in me. = I still had a lot that I hadn’t shown yet.
There was a lot left in me: They haven’t seen what I had to offer.(我还有许多没有让人看到的东西。)
Suitable occasion: oral, informal
③ You name me one time and I will take it all back. 你只要说出一次,我就收回我的话。
You name me one time = If you can name one time to me
In oral English, “if” in a clause stating conditions is often omitted.(在口语中,条件从句的引导词if通常会被省略。)
e.g. Get an A next time and I will get you a new bike. 如果你下次能拿个A,我就给你买辆新自行车。
Suitable occasion: oral, informal
④ These are good folk around here. 这里的居民都很善良。
folk: refer to people that are close to you and who are nice(指与自己关系密切的善良的人)
e.g. I can’t leave the folks here. 我离不开这里的人们。
Suitable occasion: oral, formal & informal
⑤ I don’t want ’em depending on someone they can’t count on. 我不希望他们去依靠靠不住的人。
count on (sb.): rely on sb. to support you or help you(依靠或指望某人会支持你或帮助你),也可用count upon。
e.g. You can count on me for everything in the future. 将来你的一切可全靠我。
Similar expressions: depend on, rely on
Suitable occasion: oral, informal
故事梗概:“闪电”麦奎因出生时就是一部性能优良的高级赛车,作为新手的它在“活塞杯”大奖赛上大出风头,成为冠军的有利争夺者。然而,过分自信和高傲使它身边没有一个知心朋友。一次偶然的事故,让麦奎因来到一个位于“Route 66”高速公路边上的小镇。这里居住的几乎全部是快被淘汰的旧款车。它们在繁华的现代社会中另辟蹊径,建立了一个与世隔绝的原始世界。作为赛车场上的明日之星,麦奎因本来不屑与这些上不了台面的生锈铁皮打交道,然而在被困在镇上的几日里,他却渐渐被这些淳朴的汽车居民们所吸引,甚至发现村里的赫德森大夫竟是当年大名鼎鼎的冠军赛车……
Lightning McQueen: Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving’s incredible!
Doc Hudson: Wonderful. Now, go away.
Lightning McQueen: Hey, I mean it. You’ve still got it!
Doc Hudson: I’m askin’ you to leave.
Lightning McQueen: Come on. I’m a racecar, you’re…a much older racecar, but under the 1)hood you and I are the same.
Doc Hudson: We are not the same! Understand? Now, get out.
Lightning McQueen: How could a car like you quit at the top of your game?
Doc Hudson: You think I quit?
[Lightning McQueen saw the old newspaper on the wall.]
Lightning McQueen: Your big 2)wreck in ’54.
Doc Hudson: ①They quit on me. When I finally got put together, I went back expecting a big welcome. You know what they said? “You’re history.” Moved right onto the next 3)rookie standing in line. ②There was a lot left in me. I never got a chance to show ’em. I keep that to remind me never to go back. I just never expected that that world would...would find me here.
Lightning McQueen: Hey, look, Doc, I’m not them.
Doc Hudson: Oh, yeah?
Lightning McQueen: No, I’m not.
Doc Hudson: When is the last time you cared about something except yourself, 4)hot rod? ③You name me one time and I will take it all back. Uh-huh. I didn’t think so. ④These are good folk around here, who care about one another. ⑤I don’t want ’em depending on someone they can’t count on.
Lightning McQueen: Oh, like you? You’ve been here how long and your friends don’t even know who you are? Who’s caring about only himself?
Doc Hudson: Just finish that road and get outta here!
Smart Sentences
① They quit on me. 它们放弃了我。
quit: to give up sb. or sth., usually with coldness(放弃某人或事,通常是态度冷漠)
e.g. After Mike’s repeated mischief, his teacher quit on him. 迈克不停地捣乱,老师终于把他放弃了。
Similar expression: turn away from
Suitable occasion: oral, informal
② There was a lot left in me. 我仍有雄心大志。
There was a lot left in me. = I still had a lot that I hadn’t shown yet.
There was a lot left in me: They haven’t seen what I had to offer.(我还有许多没有让人看到的东西。)
Suitable occasion: oral, informal
③ You name me one time and I will take it all back. 你只要说出一次,我就收回我的话。
You name me one time = If you can name one time to me
In oral English, “if” in a clause stating conditions is often omitted.(在口语中,条件从句的引导词if通常会被省略。)
e.g. Get an A next time and I will get you a new bike. 如果你下次能拿个A,我就给你买辆新自行车。
Suitable occasion: oral, informal
④ These are good folk around here. 这里的居民都很善良。
folk: refer to people that are close to you and who are nice(指与自己关系密切的善良的人)
e.g. I can’t leave the folks here. 我离不开这里的人们。
Suitable occasion: oral, formal & informal
⑤ I don’t want ’em depending on someone they can’t count on. 我不希望他们去依靠靠不住的人。
count on (sb.): rely on sb. to support you or help you(依靠或指望某人会支持你或帮助你),也可用count upon。
e.g. You can count on me for everything in the future. 将来你的一切可全靠我。
Similar expressions: depend on, rely on
Suitable occasion: oral, informal