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  1. That man has managed to stay in office for ten years by being a regular fence-sitter. He never makes up his mind how to vote on an issue until he’s sure whether most voters are for or against it.
  2. The governor of our state ended up as a lame duck when he lost the election. But he had a golden parachute—he was offered a job as a senior vice president in a big company in his hometown.
  3. Sometimes you can tell who is going to win a big office like President or Governor by watching how many other politicians come running to jump on his bandwagon and get credit for[以……得到好处] supporting him.
  4. This is going to be a close election. The only way we can win this time is to work as hard as we can to win over the swing voters.
  5. Some of the presidential candidates are more interested in sound bites than sound policies while some others will go on the stump in the whole state to look hard for votes.
  1. fence-sitter就是指那种两面观望,看准了如何行动才对自己有好处的“骑墙派”。另外,on the fence意为骑在篱笆上,举棋不定。
  2. lame duck是指竞选失败、即将卸任的官员。golden parachute就是那些卸任的官员失去他们原来的工作后在经济上提供保障的安排。
  3. to jump on the bandwagon指表态支持某一候选人。很早以前,候选政客为了吸引公众的注意往往会雇用一支乐队在马车上演奏。马车上贴了许多鼓励人们投票的标语。这种有乐队的马车就叫bandwagon。那些小政客为了让人们知道他们和这位候选人关系好,就会登上那辆马车,即jump on the bandwagon。
  4. swing voters就是那些动摇不定,还没有决定把票投给谁的选民。
  5. sound bite是指插入电视新闻节目当中的一个和选举有关的录像片段。这句话中sound bites里的sound是指声音,而sound policies的sound指好的、有效的(政策)。to go on the stump意为参加竞选的人到全国各地发表演讲,争取选民的支持。
1 Nylonkong纽伦港    Meaning: an acronym[首字母缩略词] of New York City, London and Hong Kong. The term first appeared in the January 28th, 2008 issue of Time magazine commenting on the success of the three ci
“五一”黄金周,与家人的长途旅行曾经被不少人视为最佳选择。你瞧,Tony“五一”期间的一次北京之旅,现在回想起来还是兴奋不已。    Daisy: What was your favorite May Golden Week?  Tony: Oh that’s easy. It was the year I went on a tour of Beijing with my cousins.  D
难得的三天假期,仅仅是做家务当然是有些浪费。如果再来个两天短途旅游,那这个假期就完美了。Tony和Daisy的计划是不是已经打动了你的心了呢?那赶快去看看你所在的城市有什么好的短途旅行线路吧!    Daisy: You know what we should do? We should plan a short tour during the May holiday.  Tony: Oh, ①t
小编在搜罗2008年全球最具吸引力的国家时,有了“惊人的发现”!坐落在喜马拉雅山上的不丹实在让人“沉醉不知归路”。这个亚洲小国迷你得连我们亚洲人也几乎会将它忽略掉,但它的神秘和美丽却早已享誉世界!  不丹与中国近在咫尺,却是至今唯一未与中国建交的亚洲国家;它国弱民穷,却是亚洲“最快乐的国家”;在今天许多穷国为发展经济不惜破坏生态之时,它却严禁国民砍伐和狩猎,并且限制每年入境游客的数量;它原是君主制
这个时代的特点之一,就是人与人的关系空前地淡薄。人们开始把眼光放在“人类的朋友”——动物——身上。于是,很多动物跃升成了宠物,成了人们不可或缺的生活伴侣。    最好给那些鼠类宠物一个转轮,好让它们保持活动。  It’s best to give mice and rats a running wheel to keep them active.    人们说狗是“人类最好的朋友”不是没道理的。 
3月6日,《口语版》一行6人前往珠海平和英语学校采访参观。一天下来,众小编对平和学校的办学宗旨和教学特点有了更深入的了解,而与学校老师、学生的交流,也令我们受益良多。    浸泡式的纯英语环境    平和英语学校最自豪的一点,就是他们成功地营造了一个纯英语的环境,让学生时时刻刻都沉浸于英语的氛围中。去平和之前我们一直对这种纯英语的学习环境抱有怀疑,但是踏入平和学校教学区的那一刻,这个问题有了答案。
Rental Agent: Hi, how are you today?  Stephanie: Fine thanks. I need to rent a car for a few days.  Rental Agent: No problem. Do you have a reservation?  Stephanie: No, sorry I don’t.   Rental Agent:
人多多少少有些好奇心理。无论是身边的小道消息,还是地球另一端的热门话题,总能引起一番热烈的讨论。只要不把这些八卦评论建立在对他人隐私的侵犯上,不要对他人进行攻击,一点点八卦其实无伤大雅,甚至是生活的调味剂呢。    嘿,伙计们!我有一些新鲜热辣的八卦消息哦!  Oh boy! I have some 1)juicy gossip!    你真是个八卦王。  You are such a gossi
Today, I’ve come back to Hong Kong to stand before you, and account for[解释] myself. I’ve never escaped from my responsibility. During the past few weeks, I’ve been with my mother, and my family and lo