OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical features, laboratory tests, imaging features and treatment of 43 sputum negative pulmonary tuberculosis cases characterized by high fever. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 232 cases diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis in our hospital from January 2006 to March 2013 was performed. Results: (1) The younger age of onset: The average age of the patients was (45.8 ± 19.5) years old, of which 22 cases were 21 to 49 years old. The male common was 2.5: 1. (2) Clinical manifestations atypical: no obvious afternoon low fever, night sweats, weight loss and other symptoms of tuberculosis. (3) imaging findings are not typical: chest CT showed ground glass-like changes, lobar consolidation, bronchial air sign, the lesion is not typical of the common parts of the pulmonary tuberculosis such as the posterior segment of the posterior segment or lower back. (4) Misdiagnosis: 35 cases were misdiagnosed as pneumonia, 5 bronchogenic carcinoma, 1 lung abscess, 1 Wegener’s granulomatosis and 1 interstitial lung disease. (5) Treatment: All patients were given conventional anti-infective treatment before admission, and most of the lesions were recovered after the diagnosis of regular anti-TB treatment. Conclusion: For patients with high fever, expectoration, sputum looking negative for acid-fast bacillus and lymph nodes, patients with atypical pulmonary tuberculosis manifesting in chest CT should exclude bacteria of the genitourinary pulmonary tuberculosis. The patients should be diagnosed and treated with many effective examinations. Quinolone should be used with caution And linezolid antibiotics.