阅读是开发智力、培养能力的最基本的学习活动。学生有了较强的阅读能力,不仅可以使语文学习本身的听说读写一系列问题得到较好解决,而且对数、理、化、外语等其他学科的学习也大有帮助。 可是,目前学生阅读能力差的情况却引人注目。这里姑且抛开学生方面的原因不论,就教师方面来说,培养学生阅读能力就是刻不容缓的大事了。以下从学法指导的角度谈几个阅读能力培养的问题。
Reading is the most basic learning activity to develop intelligence and develop abilities. Students have a strong reading ability, which not only can solve a series of problems in language learning, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, but also help other subjects such as mathematics, science, chemistry, and foreign languages. However, the current situation in which students have poor reading ability is attracting attention. Here, regardless of the reason for leaving students aside, on the aspect of teachers, cultivating students’ reading ability is an urgent matter. The following questions from the point of view of learning to teach the development of several reading ability.