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今年5月,河南省军区司令员杨迪铣少将来淇县人武部调研后感慨地说:“淇县人武部的建设和工作,体现了谋事、干事、创业、有为的精神。”省军区首长的肯定是对淇县人武部“在创新中不断发展”工作思路的褒奖。 河南淇县,古称朝歌,是个只有25万人口的小县。近年来,人武部在县委、县政府的关心支持和大家的努力下,全面建设一年一个大跨步。1998年,建成了指挥自动化水平较高办公楼,甩掉了在全省人武部系统落后的帽子。1999年,筹资新建了国防教育基地,民兵装备仓库安装了脉冲电网、红外报警器和无线电通信台等监控设施。2000年以来,人武部党委多次被省军区党委表彰为先进团级党委;征兵工作两次受到国防部的表彰。至此,人武部干部、职工在思想上产生了一些自满情绪,有的认为可以歇歇脚了,其他人武部 In May this year, Major General Yang Di Milling, Commander of the Military Command of Henan Province, and later Qixian County Armed Forces Department, said with emotion after the investigation: “The construction and work of Qixian People’s Armed Forces Department embodies the spirit of seeking work, officers, entrepreneurship and promising.” It is certainly a reward for Qixian People’s Armed Forces Department’s “continuous development in innovation” work train of thought. Qi County, Henan Province, ancient name Chao Song, is a small county of 250,000 people. In recent years, with the care and support of the county party committee and county government and the efforts of all of us, the People’s Armed Forces Department has comprehensively built a major stride a year. In 1998, the office building with a high command automation level was built, and the backward system of the people’s armed forces department in the province was eliminated. In 1999, a new national defense education base was raised and a monitoring facility such as a pulse grid, an infrared alarm and a radio station was installed in the militia equipment warehouse. Since 2000, the People’s Armed Forces Party Committee has repeatedly been commended by the provincial military region party committee as an advanced group-level party committee; the conscription work has been twice honored by the Ministry of National Defense. At this point, cadres and workers in the armed forces department have had some complacency in their thinking and some think they can rest a while.
据国外新闻媒体报道 ,泰国石油管理局宣布 ,为应付燃料油价格可能会出现上浮 ,泰国燃料油的大用户泰国发电管理局计划今年使用更多的褐煤 ,把燃料油用量从1999年的30亿升减至10亿升。
有一位来西安旅游的游客,因不满西安某市场的服务,一纸诉状将某店主告上法庭。事情原委是该游客在商场购物时,不慎将该店的商品损坏,因对店主的服务不满 A visitor to Xi’
This essay analyses the spoken and written language features in a text taken from an internet discussion board from two perspec-tives: the medium, and the mode,
闷豆新买的奥林巴斯数码相机的电池出了问题,于是去找经销商……  闷豆:“我上星期在你这里买的这相机,但是电池充一会儿灯就灭了,电池也没充上。”  老板:“不可能,你拿来我看看。”  老板把电池和充电器插上去,还不到1分钟就不再充了。而电池放回相机上,连开机都不行。  老板:“你这电池可能坏了,找售后保修吧。”  闷豆:“别开玩笑了,新电池第一次充电就坏?”  僵持了半天也没有结果,闷豆把整套机器拿
最近省内谢明德:花炮产业100亿不是梦7月1日—5日,价值1600万港币的10多万枚礼花在香港维多利亚港绽放,为回归10年的“东方之珠”送去最美的夜空。 Recently the province X