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  It’s a question that has confused children, and now clearly scientists have the answer: Why do giant pandas have spots1? To find out, a team of California researchers compared the black and white parts of the panda’s fur2 to more than 200 other kinds of animals, and then studied those findings in relation to environmental and action conditions, Science reports.
  Since pandas don’t hibernate3 like bears, the team ruled out that color helps regulate4 body temperature. Writing in the journal Behavioral Ecology, the researchers think that white patches5 on the panda’s face, bottom, and belly provide camouflage6 from predators7 in snowy places, while dark limbs help the panda hide in forests. And those black ears that you might think are cute are meant to help the panda communicate “ferocity8” to predators.
  Dark eye patches aren’t meant to resist hard light, as the experts thought, but instead probably help the panda recognize friends and avoid competitors. Piebald9 patches evolved as a sort of compromise10 since the bamboo eaters are active year-round, according to Science. Lead author Tim Caro says in a statement that the panda’s unique coloring posed “a long-standing problem in biology that has been difficult to solve because actually no other mammal has this appearance.”
  The “breakthrough” came, he explains, when researchers treated “each part of the body as an independent area.” The panda question wasn’t Caro’s first bicolor-related puzzle. He once wore a zebra costume as part of a research to figure out why the animals have stripes. The answer? To stop horseflies from biting them.
摘 要:随着社会对教育的关注度越来越高,中小学生负担过重已引起教育部门的高度重视,尤其是对于初中英语教学来说,过于繁重的教学任务成为学生的重担,不仅教学效果堪忧,也极大的挫伤了学生对英语学习的积极性。因此,“减负”浪潮一度兴起。在这里,减负减的不是教学质量,而是减去无用作业的同时设法增效。小组合作学习为减负增效提供了思路,不仅能避免题海战术的弊端,还能推进素质教育的发展,可谓一箭双雕。本文就小组合