《EASYTODO-外贸业务管理系统》是一套集企业外贸业务管理、电脑网络科技、Internet技术和科学管理方法于一体的综合性外贸软件。它包括了外贸业务管理、综合信息管理、辅助管理等功能。软件界面设计简洁、操作简单、直观、业务流程设计合理,功能设计周到细致。适合于中小型的外贸企业使用。 运行软件,利用初始的用户账号ADMIN和口令PASS登陆系统。系统的主界面采用菜单和导航条结合的方式,菜单按照外贸业务的基本流程设计。导航条则是对系统功能的汇总,包括了业务、账务、报表和资料的查询功能。
“EASYTODO-Foreign Trade Business Management System” is a set of comprehensive foreign trade software integrating business foreign trade business management, computer network technology, Internet technology and scientific management methods. It includes foreign trade business management, integrated information management, support management and other functions. Software interface design is simple, easy to operate, intuitive, business process design is reasonable, functional design thoughtful and meticulous. Suitable for small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises. Run the software, using the initial user account ADMIN and password PASS login system. The main interface of the system uses a combination of menu and navigation bar, the menu design in accordance with the basic flow of foreign trade business. Navigation bar is a summary of system functions, including business, accounting, reporting and data query capabilities.