抽认卡(flashcard)是西方汉语初学者常用的自助记忆工具,但它对汉字音、形、义记忆影响的实证研究却相对匮乏。针对笔者前期研究(Zhu & Hong,2005)未充分发掘的数据,本文以多元协方差分析替代了此前使用的双因素协方差分析,并发展了引入混合刺激、词像元等概念的新双重编码假想,进而检验、解释了不同形式的电子抽认卡对美国的汉语初学者生词字形、字音、字义记忆的影响,并呼吁业界同仁对抽认卡的研究给予更多关注。
Flashcard is a self-help memory tool commonly used by Western Chinese beginners, but its empirical research on the impact of Chinese pronunciation, shape and meaning memory is relatively scarce. In response to the data not fully explored by our previous study (Zhu & Hong, 2005), this paper replaces the previously used two-factor covariance analysis with multivariate covariance analysis and develops a new dual-coding scheme that introduces the concepts of mixed stimuli and word-pixels Hypothesize, and then test and explain the impact of different forms of electronic flashcards on the Chinese beginners vocabulary, pronunciation, meaning memory of the United States, and called on colleagues in the industry to give more attention to flashcards research.