2000年9月,内蒙古敖汉旗博物馆征集一方元代巴思八文铜印。据捐献者称,此印早年出土于赤峰市郊的红庙子一带。印面呈正方形,边长6.5厘米,印文为阳文,竖排五行,印面略外圆鼓,边之右上角和右下角各有一块损伤,印厚1.3~1.5厘米,梯形钮高5.4厘米。背面右侧刻竖排两行汉字为“宗仁蒙古侍卫亲军都指挥使司百户印”,左侧近钮处一行汉字为“中书礼部造”,近边处刻款为“至治三年正月 日”(见图)。
In September 2000, a museum in Aohan Banner, Inner Mongolia solicited a Ba-poetic bronze seal of one Yuan Dynasty. According to the donors, this print was unearthed in the early years of the Red Temple in the suburbs of Chifeng. Printed surface was square, 6.5 cm in length, printed text for the Yang Wen, vertical row of five lines, printed slightly outer drum, the upper right corner of the edge and the lower right corner of each have a damage, thickness 1.3 ~ 1.5 cm, 5.4 cm trapezoid button high. On the right side of the back of the carved vertical two rows of Chinese characters as “Zongren Mongolian guards were pro-army command to make the Secretary 100 printed” on the left near the button at the line of Chinese characters as “made in the book ceremony,” near the engraved as “Zhi Zhi III Year of the Moon ”(see photo).