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目的分析2014年延边州法定传染病流行特征和发病趋势。方法采用描述性流行病学方法,对延边州2014年上报到《中国疾病预防控制信息系统》中的法定传染病发病死亡数据进行分析。结果 2014年延边州8个县(市)共报告法定传染病19种,发病率370.80/10万,与2013年比上升55.43%。疾病分类构成中呼吸道传染病占甲、乙类传染病总数的51.37%,血源及性传播传染病占甲、乙类传染病总数的42.20%。发病率性别比1.41∶1。10岁以下人群中,各年龄组发病率在800/10万以上。其中1~6岁年龄组发病率较高,均在2 000/10万以上;10以上人群中,60~70岁各年龄组发病率在200/10万以上。幼托儿童所占比例23.77%,其次家务及待业占18.86%,散居儿童和学生分别占18.32%、18.00%。结论 2014年延边州法定传染病发病率较2013年上升,呼吸道、血源及性传播疾病居多;男性发病率高于女性,1~6岁、60~70岁组发病率较高;幼托儿童、家务及待业、散居儿童和学生所占比例较大。要提高对丙类传染病的重视程度,加强监测工作。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and the trend of the notifiable infectious diseases in Yanbian Prefecture in 2014. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the data of death from statutory communicable diseases reported by Yanbian in 2014 to China Disease Prevention and Control Information System. Results Nineteen kinds of notifiable diseases were reported in 8 counties (cities) in Yanbian in 2014, with a prevalence of 370.80 / 100,000, up 55.43% from 2013. Respiratory diseases constituted 51.37% of the total number of A and B infectious diseases, and blood and sexually transmitted infections accounted for 42.20% of the total number of A and B infectious diseases. The incidence of sex ratio 1.41: 1.10 years of age or less, the incidence of each age group 800 / 100,000 or more. Incidence of 1 to 6 age group higher incidence, are more than 2 000/10 million; 10 or more people, 60 to 70 age group incidence of 200 / 100,000 or more. The proportion of preschool children was 23.77%, followed by household and unemployed 18.86%, scattered children and students 18.32% and 18.00% respectively. Conclusion The prevalence of notifiable infectious diseases in Yanbian Prefecture increased from 2013 to 2013, with the majority of respiratory, blood-borne and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The incidence of males was higher than that of females, ranging from 1 to 6 years old. The incidence rates of 60- to 70-year- , Housework and unemployed, and a large proportion of children and students who live in diaspora. We should raise the priority attached to category C infectious diseases and strengthen the monitoring.
CANCER has long been considered one of the most terrible diseases to threaten human life. For years, people have been struggling in vain against the disease, b
不知给予的,不能称其为爱;索取而无限制的,不能称其为爱———那只能称之为交易。———爱玛·戈德曼 I do not know to give, can not call it love; request without rest
【摘 要】 随着大学英语教学改革的不断深入,如何培养学生的创新能力,已成为广大高校教师密切关注的课题。本文试从分析当前大学英语教学中存在的弊端入手来探讨培养学生创新能力的策略、途径。  【关键词】 英语教学;创新能力;策略  【中图分类号】G 642 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1671-1270(2009)2-0034-02    一、前言    进入新世纪以来,以培养创新精神为重点的素质
Kalman 滤波自六十年代提出以来,由于其优良的性能而引起人们的关注,但经典的卡尔曼滤波算法需要系统的先验知识,并且计算量极大,通常只能用于数据的事后处理,使其应用受到
清华大学研制出的能进行准动态图形图象和语音实时传输的分布式以太网络综合系统于1988年4月5日在北京通过鉴定。 该系统是清华大学计算机系在以太网环境下自行开发的。它包