中国误诊学杂志社编辑部 : 半夏性温味辛 ,有毒 ,有燥热祛痰、和胃止呕、消痞散结之功效。临床上用于治疗咳嗽气逆 ,痰涎壅盛 ,呕吐反胃 ,胸脘痞闷不适等。由于生半夏的毒性较大 ,《神农本草经》将其列为下品 ,历代医家也都肯定了它的毒性 ,说其不可多服久服。《证类本草》
Chinese Journal of Misdiagnosis Magazine Editorial Department: Pinellia is mild, spicy, toxic, with diarrhea, vomiting, and vomiting. It is used clinically to treat cough, Qi and Qi, Qi Sheng, vomiting nausea, chest discomfort and so on. Due to the greater toxicity of Pinellia, the “Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic” listed it as the next product, and all generations of doctors have also affirmed its toxicity, saying that they should not serve Jiu Jiu. “Certificate Herbal”