中国古代各种残酷的刑罚中,最惨无人道的莫过于凌迟。凌迟,原意陵迟,本指山丘的缓延,后世将陵迟用作刑罚的名称,取之缓慢之义,就是一刀一刀地割身上的肉,直到差不多地把肉割尽,才剖腹断首,使犯人毙命。所以,凌迟也叫脔割、剐、寸磔等。 一、凌迟的产生及发展 凌迟刑的由来很早,早在南朝宋后废帝刘昱曾亲手将人脔割,北齐文宣帝高洋也常常用脔割的手段来杀人,但凌迟正式作为罚始于五代,虽此刑始于五代,由于其残酷性,很多人主张给以废除,所以未入律。
Of all the cruel punishments in ancient China, the most inhumane is to delay it. Ling Ling, the intention Ling Ling later, referring to the slow extension of the hills, later Ling Ling as the name of the penalty later, take the slow sense of justice is to cut the body of the meat knife, until almost cut the meat, only Caesarean section First, make prisoners killed. Therefore, Ling Chi also called Qie cut, 剐, inch 磔 and so on. First, the late generation and development Lingxian punishment originated very early, as early as the Southern Song Dynasty Emperor Liu Yu has personally scrapped the people, the Northern Qi Wen Xuan Emperor Gao Yang also often cut the means to kill, but late Ling formally as punishment began in the Five Dynasties Although this punishment began in the Five Dynasties, because of its brutality, many people advocated the abolition, so did not go into the law.