
来源 :中国建筑史论汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangrui1006
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中国北方地区佛教,自西晋末十六国始,历经北魏、东魏、西魏、北齐、北周数代,在二百多年的时间中得到了迅速的发展。其间虽然经历了北魏太武帝与北周武帝两次灭法,但北朝佛寺的勃兴与发展并未因此受到阻滞。尽管本文从相关史料中仅爬梳出415座比较确定的寺院,但从史料统计中所知的北朝佛寺建造总量似乎明显多于同时代南朝佛寺的建造数量。此外,北朝佛教僧徒重视石窟寺的开凿,从而留下了一大批珍贵的古代石窟寺遗存。文献中记载的北朝佛寺,在基址占地规模与寺内所造木构与石构佛塔方面也异乎寻常地宏伟高大,而同时代的南朝佛寺中却没有相同规模与高度的宏大寺院与高大的佛塔相匹配。从北朝有关佛寺描述的文献及现存石窟寺空间形制中,我们还可以一窥北朝时期佛教寺院建筑布局上的一些特征。 Buddhism in the north of China, which began in the late 16th century in the Western Jin Dynasty, has experienced rapid development in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Eastern Wei Dynasty, Western Wei Dynasty, Northern Qi Dynasty, and Northern Zhou Dynasty. It has developed rapidly over 200 years. Although during this period, the Northern Wei Dynasty Taiwu Emperor and the Northern Zhou Dynasty Emperor Wudi experienced two extermination methods, the buddha and development of the Buddhist Temple in the Northern Dynasties were not blocked. Although only 415 well-established monasteries were crawled out of related historical materials, the total number of Buddhist temples in the Northern Dynasties known from historical statistics seems to be significantly larger than the number of Buddhist monasteries in the same period. In addition, Buddhist gangsters in the Northern Dynasties attached importance to the excavation of cave temples, leaving behind a large number of precious ancient cave temples. The Buddhist temples of the Northern Dynasties recorded in the literature are also unusually grand and tall in terms of the scale of the site’s land occupation and the wooden structures and stone pagodas built in the temple. However, in the contemporary Buddhist temples of the Southern Dynasties, there were no large temples and tall buildings of the same size and height. The pagoda matches. From the literature on the description of Buddhist temples in the Northern Dynasties and the spatial shape of the existing cave temples, we can also get a glimpse of some of the features of the Buddhist monastery architecture during the Northern Dynasties period.
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