心身中有善与恶的因果律 俄国伟大的思想家车尔尼雪夫斯基曾说:“道德科学也能够成为像自然科学那样一门精确的科学,道德世界的一切现象都是按照因果规律由此及彼地在外部条件影响下发生的。”如同自然界“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”的因果原则一样,道德世界也有“善有善报,恶有恶报”的因果律。好人一生平安,恶人最终落得个“手铐伴铁窗”的下场。这一点人们普遍都能接受。然而,思想意识领
The Cause and Effect of Good and Evil The great Russian thinker Chernyshevsky once said: “Moral science can also become an exact science like the natural sciences. All the phenomena of the moral world are based on the law of causation Under the influence of external conditions, ”as the causal principle of“ planting melons and growing beans ”in nature, the moral world also has a causal law of“ good and bad, bad and evil. ” Good life is safe, the wicked eventually ended up with “handcuffs with barbed wire” end. People generally accept this point. However, the ideological collar