中国农民传统的价值观 ,是农民小生产者在自给自足的自然经济条件下形成的并内化于主体头脑中的对客体对象的评价结构。在小农的文化心理结构中 ,价值观居于核心地位。它不仅诱发小农的社会认知 ,从而成为小农文化心理活动的契机和最早过程 ,而且支配和调控小农的认知指向和思
The traditional values of peasants in China are the evaluation structures of peasants who are formed under the conditions of self-sufficiency in natural economy and internalized in the mind of peasants. In the cultural psychology of smallholders, values are at the core. It not only induced the social cognition of small-scale peasants, and thus became the turning point and the earliest process of small-scale peasant cultural and psychological activities, but also dominated and regulated the cognitive orientation and thinking of small peasants