安徽台网M_L震级偏差主要是由于现行量规函数不适合本地区地壳结构,及一部分台站台基校正值偏大所引起的。通过对1976—1984年282次发生在安徽及附近地区M_L4 .8—4.5级地震统计分析得到:目前单台测定M_L震级精度为±0.284、经量规函数校正后精度为±0.246,再经过台基改正后精度提高到±0.225,当采用四个以上多台平均震级其精度为±0.112。由于原始量规函数的地区差异及系统偏差,建议各省区域台网有必要进行量规函数校正,求出适合本地区的高的量规函数。关于地震波穿过郯庐断裂后对测定震级的影响有待进一步工作。
Anhui Provincial Network M_L magnitude deviation is mainly due to the existing gauge function is not suitable for the crustal structure in the region, and some stations caused by the base correction value is too large. Through statistical analysis of M_L4.8-4.5 earthquakes occurring in Anhui and the surrounding area from 282 to 1976, from 1976 to 1984, the accuracy of M_L magnitude measured by a single station is ± 0.284 and the accuracy after the calibration by the gauge function is ± 0.246. After correction, the accuracy is improved to ± 0.225. When more than four average magnitudes are used, the accuracy is ± 0.112. Due to the regional discrepancies and systematic deviations of the original gauge functions, it is suggested that it is necessary to calibrate the gauge functions in the regional stations in all the provinces to find the high gauge functions suitable for the region. The further study on the influence of seismic waves on the determination of magnitude after crossing Tan-Lu fault has to be done.