美国Ronald L.Jacobs教授在前人研究的基础上,正式提出了更加系统、更加结构化的结构化在岗培训(S-OJT,structured on-the-job training),它是指“在工作场所或接近工作场所的地点由有经验的雇员训练新雇员,有计划地培养特定工作能力的过程”。虽然目前我国对于结构化在岗培训的理论研究和实际开展还不是很多,但是它的优越性已经在国外开展这一培训的企业中体现出来。荷
On the basis of previous studies, Professor Ronald L. Jacobs of the United States formally proposed a more systematic and structured structured on-the-job training (S-OJT), which refers to “in the workplace Or close to the workplace by experienced employees to train new employees, the ability to plan specific work ability. ” Although at present our country does not have a lot of theoretical research and actual implementation of structured on-the-job training, its superiority has been reflected in the enterprises that carry out this training abroad. Dutch