许多同学反映化学难学,总觉得化学知识太零碎、记不住。其实,这只是由于没有掌握正确的学习方法所致。“化学知识散而乱,结构性质牵红线;一阅二听三实验,总结规律对应练。”笔者认为,学习化学应注意以下四个环节。 一、阅读是关键 阅读,是打开化学知识大门的钥匙,也是获取感性知识的重要途径。俗话说得好:“熟读百遍,其义自见。”由此可见阅读的重要性。阅读可分为课前预习、课上学习及课后复习三个环节。
Many students have learned that chemistry is difficult to learn. They always feel that chemical knowledge is too fragmented to remember. In fact, this is only due to the lack of a correct way of learning. “Chemical knowledge is scattered and chaotic. The nature of the structure leads to the red line; reading and listening to three experiments, and summing up the laws and corresponding training.” I believe that learning chemistry should pay attention to the following four links. First, reading is the key Reading, is the key to open the door to chemical knowledge, but also an important way to obtain perceptual knowledge. As the saying goes: “Read a hundred times, and see what it means.” This shows the importance of reading. Reading can be divided into three parts: pre-class preparation, class learning and after-school review.