Path Exploration of Word Meanings in C-E Translation Based on Perspective of Cultural Difference

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  ◆Abstract: Because of the existence of the horizon background of cross-cultural communication, the importance of translation has become increasingly apparent. As a link between different cultures, it will involve in-depth issues of language and culture. At this time, the difference between Chinese and Western cultures is raised. The cause of formation will make it possible to diversify the choice of language and culture translation, and then enhance the translation effect to meet the needs of users' language appreciation and application. Finally, explore the English-Chinese translation, so that cultural differences do not affect the communication between people.
  ◆Keywords: cross-cultural communication, the horizon background, Chinese and Western cultures
  一、The causes of the differences between Chinese and Western cultures
  Clarifying the causes of the differences between Chinese and Western cultures can allow specific translation work to be targeted, ensure the unification of shallow content and deep culture, and at the same time be recognized by the audience of translated works. For most content that needs to be translated, the cultural differences are mainly caused by the following aspects:
  1.Differences in historical traditions Different countries and nationalities have individualized historical evolution processes, and therefore have formed unique historical traditions. For example, traditional Chinese culture takes the philosophical foundation of the philosophical schools and Confucianism as an important representative, emphasizing harmony and unity; ancient Greek traditional culture Emphasizing the separation of nature and humans, explaining natural phenomena from an objective perspective, pointing out that society encompasses the conditions of different individuals, which is an expression of self and independence, etc. This has resulted in the same term as "individualism". Western society has different tastes of praise and criticism.
  2.Different thinking modes Language is the external expression of thinking, so the difference in thinking mode makes language differences naturally formed. For example, Chinese culture has always emphasized the view of the unity of nature and man, and people’s awareness of existence is more valued. At the same time, they have strong image thinking characteristics and intuitive feelings to express their desires; but in Western culture, man and nature are on opposite sides, science and technology The consciousness is stronger, and abstract thinking and empirical research are more prominent.   二、Ways to translate paths
  1.Domestication method of indirect free translation As the objective differences between Chinese and Western cultures mentioned above exist, people have different ways of thinking, so there are big differences in understanding of the same thing. If you keep the image of the source language for translation, you will dazzle the readers, not knowing what the central purpose is. to avoid this problem, the translator can sometimes abandon the original image for indirect translation. For example, when translating the sentence "dog eat dog" face-to-face, if it is translated as "犬食犬", then Chinese users will not be able to deeply understand its connotation, so they should be brave to abandon the image used in the sentence and directly translate it as "you die or live."
  2.Adding foreignization translation Out of the need to preserve the source language and cultural characteristics, if some sentences contain cultural background and allusions, foreignization translation is indispensable. If it is not easy to understand, it can also be processed by foreignization and annotation. For example, when encountering the task of translating "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Each Shows His Ability" into English, domestication is not suitable, and foreignization and paraphrase cannot meet the requirements of cultural recognition. At this time, the translator can use the story of "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea". It is stated in the form of annotation, "The eight immortals of Taoism in Chinese folklore". If conditions permit, you can also explain the stories of these eight immortals in detail, so that people from different language backgrounds can feel the Chinese language and culture. Features, experience the magnificence and variety of Chinese myths and stories.
  Because of the intensification of the process of world economic integration, the frequency and depth of cultural exchanges between various countries have produced tremendous developments. Besides, the more knowledge people accept, the easier it is to become curious about foreign cultures. Therefore, in the process of cross-cultural communication, English-Chinese translation should not just stop at the superficial goal of mutual meaning but should explore new translation strategies, according to specific language and cultural characteristics, etc., to ensure the direction and accuracy of the translation, and satisfy The curiosity of translation language users and viewers promotes effective communication and integration between various cultures.
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一、实验背景分析  学情分析:血糖平衡的调节一直是教学重点。新课标引进了模型建构的方法来解决这个难题,我们知道模型建构有三种:物理模型,数学模型,概念模型,构建物理模型在必修一有多次应用。这次再次用到物理模型,用翻糖卡的方式来模拟血糖的合成与分解,虽然操作简便,但是不够贴切体内的血糖调节过程,不够直观,因此本人对实验进行了改进:用在学生熟悉的输液装置,用吊瓶中的红色液体表示血糖(吊瓶上的白色标线表
新课程标准要求用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,使其能读其文知其意悟其理感其情。学生诵读课文,当静止的文字通过声情并茂的诵读表达出来的时候,文字便成了一幅幅画面、一段段音乐。它用声音感染人,它可以跨越时空,沟通文本与读者的心灵。  一、七年级语文课堂诵读现状  1.诵读时间不充分  一节课40分钟,学生诵读的时间却不到5分钟。预习性的诵读,要求学生读通课文,读准生字新词,但实际上至少有三分之一
◆摘 要:在新课改要求不断深化与完善的背景下,高中英语教学愈发注重学生语言理解能力和表达能力的培养,在学生文化认同和多元化思维等意识形态的构造方面也引起了高度重视。基于英语学习活动观,从课前准备环节、课中时间环节以及课后总结环节三方面着手优化高中英语阅读教学设计,旨在将高中英语阅读教学与英语学习活动观进行有机结合,整体提高学生在语言表达,思维逻辑以及文化认同等方面的核心素养。  ◆关键词:英语学习
我们知道哥德巴赫猜想是证明是大于等于6的情况下,可以分解成俩个素数之和,但是这俩个素数有什么规律,下面是本人的一点理解。  我们设定一个数M1=3m,M2=3m+1,M3=3m+2,m≥0,则M1,M2,M3则代表全体整数;如m≥2,则就是我们的歌德巴赫猜想,显然素数只存在于M2和M3形式之中;以下情况都是在m≥2下情况下进行的。  第一种,当我们偶数为M1性质下,我们令m=p+q+1,X1=3p
◆摘 要:坚持立德树人的根本任务,?中小学文明礼仪教育指导刚要?要求引导学生养成团结友善的行为习惯。中等职业学校致力于培养高素质的技术技能人才,其中团队合作与互助精神是学生素质教育的重要内容,是打造和谐校园、适应和谐社会的重要组成部分。  ◆关键词:立德树人;主题班会;团结合作  一、班会背景  坚持立德树人的根本任务,《中小学文明礼仪教育指导刚要》要求引导学生养成团结友善的行为习惯。中等职业学校
◆摘 要:本文对高校大学生伤害事故的责任认定进行研讨,进一步推进依法治校,维护高校安全稳定,维护高校和大学生合法权益。  ◆关键词:伤害事故;责任  近二十年来,随着高等教育大众化,高校办学规模和生源不断扩大,学生伤害事故也相应增加,导致高校与学生之间的赔偿纠纷日益增多。对于高校本身而言,大学生伤害事故涉及面广,影响大,处理起来复杂,往往需要投入大量的精力,给学校造成许多不必要的损失和不好的影响。
◆摘 要:时代的进步和社会的发展不断提醒着人类变革的重要性。作为一名外语教师,回顾经年的语言教学传统和体验,深刻领悟到促使语言教学创新性的重要意义。  ◆关键词:延展性语言教学  一、语言教学存在的问题  世间万事无常态:语言教学发展到今天看似波澜不惊、沉静迟缓,实则暗流涌动。这种涌动的暗流,其实是语言教育的效果与社会需求的不匹配。教者费尽心力,学生疲惫不堪,教材内容陈旧枯燥,授课方式古板僵化,青
◆摘 要:随着我国教育制度的不断改革,社会行业对于人才的需求更加趋向去个人综合能力的提升,因此高职学生若仅凭借教师在校内或者课堂上教授的相关知识内容,已经无法满足自身发展需求和社会发展要求,必须注重自主学习能力培养。本文主要分析在高职数学教学过程中培养学生的自主学习能力的重要性,研究具体的实施策略,为学生培养自主学习奠定基础。  ◆关键词:高职数学教学;学生自主学习能力;培养策略  高职院校进行人