浙江丽水市历年来发掘清理了多座南宋纪年墓,出土了不少龙泉窑瓷器。其中有的瓷器品位之高,制作工艺之精堪,诚为少见,具有重要的历史、科学、艺术价值。现予以介绍,以飨读者。南宋淳熙五年(1178年)何(亻苒) 墓出土龙泉窑青瓷梅瓶1959年,瓯江水库文物工作组在丽水县发掘清理了4座南宋墓,分别是宋知枢密院兼参知政事何澹及妻朱氏墓、宋朝散大夫直焕章阁新知袁州少卿何处仁(何澹长子)及妻陈氏
Lishui City, Zhejiang Province over the years to explore and clean up a number of Southern Song Dynasty tomb unearthed a lot of Longquan kiln porcelain. Some of them are of high grade of porcelain and the finest in making process. Sincerity is rare and has important historical, scientific and artistic value. Now to be introduced to readers. In 1959, Oujiang Reservoir Cultural Relics Working Group unearthed in Lishui County, clean up four Southern Song Dynasty tomb, respectively, is known to the Senate Privy Council and Song Zhi Affairs He Xun and his wife Zhu’s tomb, the Song Dynasty Prostitutes straight Huan Zhangge new knowledge Yuanzhou Shaoqing where the benevolence (He Ying eldest son) and wife Chen