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随着可持续消费理论的深入研究,城镇家庭作为终端消费部门,成为可持续消费的主要研究对象,因此针对城镇家庭开展“细胞尺度”的环境影响评价非常重要且必要。本文基于物质流分析方法,建立了中国城镇家庭物质流核算框架,为物质流分析在家庭层面的研究提供了新思路。以2015年平均一个城镇家庭为研究对象,计算了城镇家庭的平均物质资源交换情况。结果显示:2015年平均一个城镇家庭的直接物质投入为86420.92kg,物质输出量为83457.98kg,物质存量净增加为2 374.08kg;从消费类别上看,居住、食品和交通是主要的物质投入来源。针对中国城镇家庭消费的现状,本文提出对应政策建议,倡导居民改变不可持续的消费理念,向可持续的家庭消费模式转变。 With the in-depth study of the theory of sustainable consumption, urban households as the end consumer sector has become the main research object of sustainable consumption. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to carry out the “cell scale” environmental impact assessment for urban households. Based on the method of material flow analysis, this paper establishes the household flow accounting framework of urban household in China, which provides a new idea for the study of material flow at the family level. Taking an average of one urban household in 2015 as the research object, the average exchange of material resources among urban households was calculated. The results show that the average material input of urban households in a single household in 2015 was 86,420.92kg, the material output was 83,457.98kg, and the net increase of material stock was 2 374.08kg. From the consumption category, housing, food and transportation were the main sources of material inputs . In response to the current situation of urban household consumption in China, this paper proposes corresponding policy recommendations, advocates residents to change the unsustainable consumption concept, and changes to a sustainable pattern of family consumption.
1 费马的生平简介费马是 17世纪法国业余数学家 .费马一生从未受过专门的数学教育 ,而且认真注意数学还是在他 30岁之后 ,但他将全部业余时间用于数学的研究工作上 .在直至
一、研究背景rn可吸入颗粒物是指空气动力学当量直径≤10 μm的颗粒物,又称为PM10(Particulate matter10).研究表明,空气中可吸入颗粒物浓度与人体健康有着明显的效应关系[1]