The characterization of x-shaped antenna arrays operating in the mid-infrared is proposed. An equivalent circuit model for the resonant characteristic of the x-shaped nanoaperture antenna arrays is also included. In order to understand the resonance behavior of the structure, a detailed study of the field-enhancement capabilities and light transmission characteristics of the structure is proposed. In the experimental studies, the transmission characteristics of the periodic x-apertures are analyzed by varying the geometrical dimensions. Consequently, it is observed that the periodic subwavelength x-apertures show extremely high near-field optical resolution and enhanced transmission compared with the other nm-sized apertures.
The characterization of x-shaped antenna arrays operating in the mid-infrared is proposed. An equivalent circuit model for the resonant characteristic of the x-shaped nanoaperture antenna arrays is also included. In order to understand the resonance behavior of the structure, a detailed study of the field-enhancement capabilities and light transmission characteristics of the structure is proposed. In the experimental studies, the transmission characteristics of the periodic x-axes are analyzed by varying the geometrical dimensions. apertures show extremely high near-field optical resolution and enhanced transmission compared with the other nm-sized apertures.