埃德加·斯诺在《西行漫记》中记述长征是“从福建的最远的地方开始,一直到遥远的陕西北道路的尽头为止”。那么,在长征的前夕,作为长征始发地之一的福建是一番怎样的景象呢? 福建为中央红军长征“输血”为补充第五次反“围剿”中的兵员损失,同时也为即将开始的中央主力红军的战略大转移作准备, 1934年4月,中华苏维埃共和国临时中央及中革军委号召苏区各级苏维埃政府立即开展红五月突击扩红运动。6月6日,临时中央又在给各级党组织和扩红突击队的指示信中, “坚决的要求每个省、每个县, 在6月内完成3个月(指五、六、七3个月)计划”。此
Edgar Snow in “The Westward Journey,” chronicles the Long March as “starting from the furthest point of Fujian and ending at the far north of Shaanxi’s north.” So, on the eve of the Long March, what was the picture of Fujian as one of the origins of the long march? Fujian, as the long march of the Central Red Army, transfused blood to supplement the loss of troops in the fifth anti-encirclement campaign, In April 1934, the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic and the Central Military Commission of China called for the Soviet government at all levels in the Soviet Area to immediately launch the Red May Bloc Red Cross Campaign. On June 6, in a directive letter to the party organizations at all levels and the expansion of the Red Commandos, the interim Central Committee firmly requested that every province and county should finish three months in June (referring to May, June and June) Seven three months) plan ". this