根据2003~2008年每年丰水期、枯水期和平水期于厦门海域开展的海洋环境调查的资料,研究了该海域水体无机氮和活性磷酸盐含量区域分布和时间变化趋势.结果表明,调查期间该海域水体无机氮和活性磷酸盐平均含量都较高,分别为0.50、0.031 mg/dm3.其营养盐含量的区域分布相差较大,其中九龙江口水体无机氮含量最高,年均含量为0.52~1.37 mg/dm3;厦门西港水体活性磷酸盐含量最高,年均含量为0.039~0.061 mg/dm3;而大嶝海域水体无机氮和活性磷酸盐含量最低,年均含量分别为0.06~0.22、0.007~0.016 mg/dm3.调查期间全海域水体无机氮含量呈逐年增加趋势,活性磷酸盐含量在2003~2005年间呈上升趋势,而2005~2008年则有小幅度的下降.厦门海域水体N/P原子比较高,调查期间全海域年均值为27.4~47.5,且呈逐年增加趋势.无机氮含量的明显增加趋势及越来越严重的N/P比失衡,势必对该海域海洋生态系统尤其是浮游植物群落演替产生不良影响.此外,研究还发现厦门海域水体无机氮含量与盐度呈高度负相关(r=-0.96,n=30).这有力地证明了九龙江径流输入是厦门海域无机氮的最主要来源.
Based on the data from the marine environment survey carried out in Xiamen waters during the dry season, the dry season and the flat water period from 2003 to 2008, the regional distribution and temporal variation trend of inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate in the waters were studied. The results show that during the survey The average contents of inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate in waters of the waters were high, which were 0.50,0.031 mg / dm3, respectively. The distribution of nutrients in them varied greatly, and the content of inorganic nitrogen in Jiulongjiang estuary was the highest, with an average annual content of 0.52-1.37 mg / dm3. The content of active phosphate in the water body of Xiamen West Harbor was the highest, with the average annual content of 0.039 ~ 0.061 mg / dm3, while the content of inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate in the water of Dayao Bay was the lowest with the average annual contents of 0.06 ~ 0.22 and 0.007 ~ 0.016 mg / dm3. During the survey period, the inorganic nitrogen content in the whole sea area increased year by year, and active phosphate content increased from 2003 to 2005, but decreased slightly from 2005 to 2008. Comparison of N / P in Xiamen waters During the survey period, the annual average of the whole sea area ranged from 27.4 to 47.5, and showed a trend of increasing year by year.Inducedly increasing the inorganic nitrogen content and the more serious N / P ratio imbalance would inevitably affect the sea In addition, the study also found that there was a highly negative correlation between inorganic nitrogen content and salinity in Xiamen waters (r = -0.96, n = 30), which proves that nine Longjiang runoff input is the most important source of inorganic nitrogen in Xiamen sea area.