【摘 要】
《聊斋志异·娇娜》篇写书生孔雪笠旅居重病,得一老伯引丽人前来探望,丽人年约十三四,娇波流慧,细柳生姿,书生见到如此娇媚人儿,呻吟顿忘,精神为之一爽,不久即遍体清凉,不治而愈。初读只是觉得鬼话连篇,然而仔细揣摩,却又为蒲翁的匠心而叹服。原来作家用心良苦,创立了一门新学科——爱情医学。 爱情医学是研究人类心理与生
“Strange tales Jiao Liao” chapter writing scholar Kongxue Li living in serious illness, an old man cited beauty came to visit, the beautiful year about 13 4, Johnson waves Liuhui, fine willow, the scholar to see such a flirtatious children, Moaning Dun forget, the spirit of one of the cool, soon after all body cool, dead and more. First reading just think ghost story, but carefully try to figure out, but for Poon’s ingenuity and admire. The original writer with good intentions, has created a new discipline - love medicine. Love medicine is to study human psychology and health
To understand droplet motion on solid surfaces is very important for many applications such as enhanced oil recovery (Freitas et al.2011), droplet spreading
高接换种是柑桔品改的重要途径之一。但要防止盲目高接 ,走出以下误区。1 不分树龄和树势 如新邵县雀塘镇曾家村有1 1hm2 尾张温州蜜柑 ,树龄 2 2年。由于管理不善 ,树势较差
Bubbles in curved pipe flows are subject of buoyancy force, drag forces by the main and secondary flows, and centrifugal force, which all affect the formati
The flow features in microchannel is of significance in the microfluidic applications, such as fluid mixing, droplet flow, particle sorting out, microscaled
Drop-based microfluidics encapsulating protein-encoding DNA molecules can provide a stable linkage between genotype (gene sequence) and phenotype (protein f
In recent years, a primary concern in the development of electronic technology is the extremely high heat dissipation of power devices.To solve this problem
最近,我听说了一件事,有的人花上千块钱去洗肠,也就是清洗体内,为的是排毒祛病。今天我给大家介绍几种简便易行的方法,不用那么多花销也可以达到同样的目的。 主动咳嗽清扫