一滴水,能折射太阳的光芒;一份世游赛开幕式消防安保方案战图,能反映一个国际级城市国际级赛事的消防安保工作的缩影。从这个缩影,能看到上海消防工作的一种新姿态,一种新起点。A开幕式主会场(综合馆)1 6个消防安保巡查小组不间断巡逻。内场区12台消防水炮,外围区16台消防水炮枕戈待旦。B1层四轮消防摩托车严密驻防。B国际广播中心(IBC)消防车严密驻防。
A drop of water, can refraction the sun’s light; a World Tour opening ceremony of fire safety plan war map, to reflect a world-class city world-class event fire safety and security work microcosm. From this microcosm, we can see a new attitude of Shanghai fire protection work, a new starting point. A Opening Ceremony Venue (Consortium) 1 6 fire safety inspection teams patrol uninterrupted. Infield area 12 fire guns, peripheral areas 16 fire guns pillow Ge go. B1 four-wheel fire motorcycle tightly stationed. B International Broadcasting Center (IBC) fire engines stationed closely.