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随着社会发展的速度越来越快,国家经济的快速发展,各行各业中对人才的要求也变得更明确、更高,他们要求高职人才不仅要具备一定的专业技能,也需要有自主学习的能力及跨文化的交流能力。专门用途英语便是国家对于人才的新要求的培养方式,而现今的高职英语教学中学生学习英语的积极性不高,因此对高职英语教学进行教改就成为了时势所趋。文章中主要就专门用途英语和其如何在高职英语教改中被应用进行了论述。 With the rapid social development, the rapid development of national economy, all walks of life in the requirements of talent has become more clear and higher, they require higher vocational talents not only have to have some professional skills, but also need to have Self-learning ability and cross-cultural communication skills. English for specific purposes is a national way of cultivating new requirements for talented people. Nowadays, there is not much enthusiasm for students to learn English in higher vocational English teaching. Therefore, the reform of higher vocational English teaching has become a trend of the times. The article mainly deals with the use of English for special purposes and how it is applied in vocational English teaching reform.
至今仍然记得十年前刚刚参加工作的懵懂轻狂,认为中学英语教学没有什么大不了,无非把书本知识照本宣科,灌给学生。而今,十年过去了,反倒是沉淀了下来,深感教学之路漫漫而修远,教学之海之广阔,足够我一辈子的探索,遨游。  随着新课程改革的实施,我逐渐意识到学生才是教育教学活动的主体,学生英语素养的提升都主要在课堂这个主阵地中得以实现。翻开《英语课程标准》,“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,