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  文化,始终在对外交流的过程中,扮演着先行者的角色。当今世界,不同文化的交流、交融、交锋比以往任何时候都更加频繁,一元与多样、传统与现代、先进与落后、本土与外来相互交织、相互影响,社会思想意识更加多元多样多变,社会思潮也更加纷繁复杂。文化因交流而传承发展,世界因交融而和谐共进。积极维护文化的多样性,推动不同文化之间的对话交流,相互借鉴学习,世界才能更加丰富多彩。《文化交流》杂志作为浙江对外文化交流的一个窗口,担当着光荣而神圣的使命。在新的一年里,《文化交流》杂志要始终坚持“立足浙江,辐射全国, 面向世界”的办刊方向,充分发挥浙江的经济优势和文化优势,推进浙江与世界各国及我国港澳台等地的文化交流与合作,让世界更多地了解浙江,让浙江更好地走向世界。
  New Departure Point for New Journey
  New Year Message for 2012
  By Liu Feng, director of Cultural Dialogue
  New Year comes back again. On the occasion of saying goodbye to the past year and welcoming a new year, I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to leaders, people from all walks of life and our readers for your support. I would also like to wish everyone Happy New Year.
  From a historical viewpoint and with a view of our time, the 6th plenary session of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) scientifically summarized and profoundly expounded the path to cultural development with Chinese characteristics, established the grand objective of building China into a strong socialist cultural nation, and formulated the objective and direction for cultural reform and development in the new situation. The 10th plenary session of the 12th Zhejiang Provincial Congress of the CPC Zhejiang Committee formulated an objective to strive to build Zhejiang into a powerhouse of culture. This new objective is based on a heightened sense of cultural consciousness and confidence and based on the requirement and strategy for our time.
  All this constitutes a rare and key opportunity for cultural development and prosperity. The new opportunity enables us to start from a new departure point for a new journey.
  Looking back at the last year, we are happy to say that we scored success. Looking ahead to 2012, we are full of confidence. We will take concrete steps to carry out the guidelines set up at the 6th plenary session of the 17th National Congress of CPC and the 12th Zhejiang Provincial Congress of the CPC Zhejiang Committee. We will adhere to the guideline and direction of our publication and center our efforts on the principal work of the CPC Zhejiang Committee and Zhejiang People’s Government. We will take intensified efforts to strive for development and prosperity of our cultural undertakings and make positive contribution to Zhejiang’s endeavor of building the province into a powerhouse of culture.
  Culture plays a pioneering role in exchanges between China and the rest of the world. At present, exchanges, fusion and confliction among different cultures are more frequent than before. The uniform and the diverse, the traditional and the modern, the advanced and the backward, the national and the international interact and interconnect. The social thought and ideology is increasing becoming diverse, varied and changeable, and ideological trends are increasingly becoming complicated. Culture develops through exchanges and progress and harmony happen because of fusion. The world maintains its richness and colorfulness through our efforts to maintain cultural diversity, promote dialogue and exchanges between different cultures, and learn from each other for experience and lessons. As a window for cultural exchanges between Zhejiang Province and the rest of the world, we have a glorious and sacred mission. In 2012, Cultural Dialogue will, as always, adhere to the publication guideline of “basing the magazine in Zhejiang, radiating out to the country and embracing the world.” We will give full play to the province’s economic and cultural resources. We will continue to promote cultural exchanges and cooperation between Zhejiang and foreign nations and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan so that the world will know more and better about Zhejiang.
  In 2012, we will work hard to meet the requirements of our readers, innovate and broaden our thinking, and do our best to make Cultural Dialogue reflect our times, our culture and make it more pleasant to read. Culture provides a full range of topics and fields and we need to take them into full account. We will concern ourselves with big topics, events, newsworthy issues in cultural fields. We will closely follow and cover both new pacesetters in system restructuring in cultural fields and development of cultural industries. While continuing to promote the best of the regional and national culture of Zhejiang and China, we will take a look at the best of foreign cultures so as to broaden the horizon of our readers. Another key task in broadening our thinking is to deepen our understanding of the new: the things where Chinese and foreign cultures converge, hotspots of social and cultural life, new cultural phenomena, and new concepts emerging from cultural development. We will present vivid facts and in-depth analysis to highlight the core of our socialist values. We will keep the original feature and style of the magazine’s physical layout. We will launch new columns, improve design, better photos and coordinate the lengths of texts, so as to make a better visual effect. We will do our best to provide our readers at home and abroad with fine cultured contents.
  We are now at a new departure point for a new journey looking forward to bumper growth and prosperity of cultural undertakings on the strength of the 6th plenary session of the 17th National Congress of the CPC. In 2012, we will, as always, strengthen our ties and contacts with all the people concerned, continue with our endeavors to have the support of leaders and departments and local governments at all levels, to have the support and cooperation with friends at home and abroad. Entrusted with the mission, we will do our best to contribute to the drive for the great cultural development and prosperity.
在金华北山鹿田村一带,群山环绕,常年云雾缭绕,被人们形象地称为“仙境”。这块风水宝地生产着一种茶叶,叫举岩茶,曾被列为明朝的贡品。如今,举岩茶已经被列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录,而这一非遗项目的传承人胡招余依然用他一生的追求,守望着举岩茶的独特炒制技艺。  4月7日上午,在海拔800米的鹿田村,浙江采云间茶业有限公司的采茶姑娘们已经倘佯在茶山中,手指像蝴蝶般翻飞,一片片“举岩”嫩芽被轻轻摘下,飞入
一个平凡、封闭,甚至有些被现代文明遗忘的小山村,极富想象力地把动漫卡通和乡村话语嫁接在了一起—  小山村办起了动漫节  这个“六一”节,28岁的玉环县龙溪乡山里村村民郑丽第一次忙得没有空陪孩子玩。“六一”节当天,又有上万人拥入这个全县最偏远的小山村,郑丽家新开张仅1个多月的小饭馆一天接待了十多桌客人,全家总动员仍然忙得不可开交,连孩子也被支唤着给客人送饮料。  山里村是个海拔200多米的高山村,也
京杭大运河连接浙东运河,经宁波出海。沿岸乡镇风情万种,其中余姚市丈亭镇水绕山连,运河遗韵融合着美丽乡镇。  古镇展新容  “江分三派白,山拱万峰青。”凝立江畔,遐想古代在此有“石矶十七、八丈,上筑方丈室”,有亭长迎往处理人事,“丈亭”由此得名。  丈亭镇上有鲻山遗址、渡头山遗址、坑山垅遗址、东山遗址及周家山遗址,这些史前遗址,与隔江相望的河姆渡遗址,同属河姆渡文化系列,仅鲻山遗址就出土1000余件
子”品牌青鱼。这一“种桑养鱼共荣、生态良性循环”的生产方式,对我国北方养鱼和世界养鱼业产生了巨大影响。上世纪90年代正式被联合国教科文组织和粮农组织授予“桑基鱼塘”养鱼法。如今,我国保存最完整的就属荻港一带十万余亩桑基鱼塘。    下午1时,荻港的阿春鱼塘四周围满了观看的人群,其中有一百多个摄影发烧围着篝火吃鱼汤饭Bonfire adds a touch of warmth to the New
他的笔画不尽心中的繁花似锦,  他的画来自大自然的大美大气,  气场之中有一股真情在流淌,笔展心画,腕运性情。  这是一种真善美的表达,  这是一颗艺术家滚烫的心。  一生结缘牡丹情  听说何水法在河南洛阳的平乐村捐建了一所“希望画院”。乍一听这个消息,第一反应是,为什么是离杭州1000多公里外的洛阳。再一想,一个是被誉为“牡丹王子”的著名国画家,一个是“牡丹甲天下”的洛阳,这之间必然是有着些许的
济公壁画选 One of the 18 murals depicting Mad Monk in Lingyin Temple   济公和尚,杭州人对他特别有感情。灵隐寺里有一座济公殿,供奉了济公塑像。只可惜,以前一直没有一件绘画作品,讲讲济公的传奇。  不久之前,灵隐寺济公殿里的济公壁画圆满完成。      十八幅画可以看济公一生传奇  济公殿就在灵隐寺药师殿的右侧,进了济公殿,中央是供奉着的济
时尚女王:左岩   Zuo Yan: a fashion queen    娱乐圈中有个有趣的现象,“大器晚成”“老来俏”的多是男星,而“出名要趁早”的则多是女星。其中缘由,恐怕还因男人的魅力需要时间和阅历的积淀,而女人则更依靠青春的魅力。  这也就不难解释,为什么浙江卫视在打造明星主持人时,似乎有些“重女轻男” ——去年底,浙江卫视中国蓝2.0版明星打造计划“青春梦想”正式启动,年轻女主持全能综
冬韵 (刘丽莉 摄) Winter Charm (By Liu Lili)    “美摄欣赏”专栏征稿启事  1.来稿题材、风格、不限,特别欢迎近年来拍摄的新作。来稿请标明“美摄欣赏投稿”字样;2.请注明作品标题,拍摄地点、时间,作者姓名,联系方式等;3.来稿请作者自行负责有关权益事宜,本刊将尊重作者的著作权;4.来稿一经选用,即付稿酬;5.来稿请使用电子文档(JPEG格式,每幅作品大小在5M—1
20世纪初的粤东古城潮州,站立在现代文明和传统意识形态交汇的前沿,风起云涌,巍巍大观。特殊的时代孕育特殊的人才,学坛巨擘从那里走出来。他就是饶宗颐。    有人誉称“北钱(锺书)南饶”“北季(羡林)南饶”,饶宗颐稳镇南国,蜚声海外,演绎出一个将近百年的文化传奇。当今之世,能集经学、佛学、史学、考古、文学、书画、音律、梵语于一身而扬名海内外,堪称“大师中的大师”者,唯有饶宗颐。  让人意外的是,在近
“在这片土地上,在这片美丽的土地上,人们在欢唱,因为他们感到幸福;在这片土地上,在这片古老的土地上,人们幸福,因为他们勤劳刻苦;在这片土地上,在这片神圣的土地上,人们幸福,因为他们得到苍天的关注;在这片土地上,在这片温暖的土地上,人们幸福,因为他们心灵手巧。”  《四季旋律》的开篇依旧是对中国大地饱含深情的歌颂。如果说柳德米拉.斯吉尔达的第一本诗集《中国的呼吸》是她开始触摸到这个神州大地的肌理,那