喜盈门杯中国纺织十大品牌文化推介活动,自中国纺织工业协会、中国纺织企业文化建设协会2005年6月27 曰联合下发通知,中国纺织工业协会杨东辉副会长6月30日召开新闻发布会,正式启动以来,各专业协会慎重推 荐、媒体积极宣传、企业踊跃自荐,各项工作正在健康有序展开。 截止8月31日,中国纺织十大品牌文化推介活动办公室共收近50余家企业的申报材料。按照《通知》要求, 现已进入网上公示阶段。经过推介办公室初步甄别筛选,现推介37家人围企业予以网上公示,他们是(以申报时 间为序):
Xiyingmen Cup China Top Ten Brands Promotion Campaign, since China Textile Industry Association, China Textile Enterprise Cultural Association June 27, 2005 jointly issued a notice, China Textile Industry Association, Yang Donghui, vice president of June 30 press Press conference, since the official start, the professional associations carefully recommended, the media actively publicity, enterprises volunteered themselves, the work is healthy and orderly start. As of August 31, China’s top ten brands of cultural promotion activities of the Office received a total of nearly 50 companies to declare the material. In accordance with the “notice” requirements, has now entered the online publicity phase. After a preliminary screening screening conducted by the promotion office, 37 enterprises are now being promoted to online publicity. They are (in order of reporting time):