为了了解我国师范高校自然科学学报的整体水平,依据《中国学术期刊综合引证报告》(CAJCCR)2001~2005年的统计数据,从影响因子和 h 指数2个引文指标评价了我国师范高校自然科学学报的学术影响力;同时从我国师范高校自然科学学报入选中文核心期刊评价数据库和被国际著名数据库收录情况进行了评价。
In order to understand the overall level of natural science journals of normal university in our country, according to the statistical data of CAJCCR from 2001 to 2005, two citation indexes of impact factor and h index were used to evaluate the natural science journals S academic influence at the same time from China Normal University Natural Science Journals selected Chinese core journals evaluation database and was included in the international well-known database were evaluated.