I plant has produced a variety of specifications on the hammer. In order to design, production and use of the hammer units to provide a variety of performance parameters, a lot of testing before leaving the factory. Since striking energy is an important indicator of its forging ability, the determination of hammer function has become one of the main test contents. The commonly used methods of striking energy test can be summed up in two ways: one is based on the dynamometer, the use of dynamometer and P (pressure) -S (stroke) curve method to measure the theory of striking energy, and the other is to use oscilloscope On the photoelectric speed sensor to detect the speed of the hammer sent to the oscillographic image, and then by the number of pulses in the calibration interval and find the maximum number of pulses to find the actual maximum average strike speed and energy. However, these methods have the shortcomings of low test accuracy and complicated data processing methods, and the actual attack speed