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国务院颁发《会计人员职权条例》以后,我们收到许多来稿和来信,反映广大财会人员,欢欣鼓午,热烈拥护《条例》的情况,反映各地区、各部门、各单位认真学习和贯彻《条例》的情况.普遍认为,重新修订颁发《条例》,充分说明党和国家对财会工作的重视,反映了财会工作在实现新时期总任务中的重要地位和作用;同时,也是对“四人帮”摧残和破坏财会工作严重罪行的实际而有力的批判.一致表示,要认真学习《条例》,坚决执行《条例》,拨乱反正,正本清源,按《条例》的要求认真做好财会工作,为实现四个现代化做出应有的贡献.这一期我们摘登了几篇来稿和来信.各地区、各部门、各单位在贯彻执行《条例》中碰到些什么问题,怎样解决的,有什么好的经验,希望继续反映给我们. After the State Council issued the “Accounting Staff Regulations,” we received many contributions and letters, reflecting the vast numbers of financial and accounting personnel, rejoicing and warmly embracing the “Regulations,” reflecting the fact that all regions, departments and units conscientiously study and implement the “Regulations It is generally believed that the revisions to the promulgation of the ”Regulations“ fully demonstrate that the party and the state attach importance to the accounting work and reflect the important status and role of the accounting work in fulfilling the general tasks of the new era. At the same time, ”To destroy and undermine the real and effective criticism of the serious crimes of accounting work. They all agreed that they should conscientiously study the“ Regulations ”and resolutely implement the“ Regulations, ”“ Orderly Dispel the Chaos and Clear the Originality of the Rules, ”and conscientiously do their own financial and accounting work according to the requirements of the“ We hereby publish a few contributions and letters in this issue. What are the problems encountered by various regions, departments and units in implementing the ”Regulations" and what are the solutions? Experience, hope to continue to reflect to us.
互联网创造资本传奇 《时代周刊》评出的当今世界科技产业50名风云人物中,排名第一的不是全球首富软件巨子微软公司总裁比尔.盖茨,而是网上最大零售商亚马逊CEO贝佐斯(Jeff
以广州南方房产大厦深基坑支护结构为例,介绍了深基坑支护的设计指导思想和监测。文中介绍的方法对类似工程的设计有一定指导意义。 Taking the deep foundation pit suppor