Multi-attribute decision-making approach dealing with uncertain linguistic assessment information

来源 :Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunyu1988
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An approach is presented to deal with a multi-attribute decision-making problem in which the attribute weights are unknown and the attribute values take the form of uncertain linguistic variables. First, a linguistic assessment standard is set up to deal with the uncertain linguistic attributes, and the operation laws of uncertain linguistic variables and the uncertain linguistic weighting average(ULWA)operator are introduced. Then a ranking formula of uncertain linguistic variables based on expectation-variance is proposed. As for the case without weight information, a goal program based on a warp function is constructed to determine the attribute weights, and the ULWA operator is utilized to aggregate the assessment information of uncertain linguistic variables, and the corresponding alternatives are ranked by a formula based on expectation-variance. Finally, a numerical example is given, and the results demonstrate that it is much easier and faster for the ranking method based on expectation-variance when compared to the existing methods. An approach is presented to deal with a multi-attribute decision-making problem in which the attribute weights are unknown and the attribute values ​​take the form of uncertain linguistic variables. First, a linguistic assessment standard is set up to deal with the uncertain linguistic attributes , and the operation laws of uncertain linguistic variables and the uncertain linguistic weighting average (ULWA) operator are introduced. Then a ranking formula of uncertain linguistic variables based on expectation-variance is proposed. As for the case without weight information, a goal program based on a warp function is constructed to determine the attribute weights, and the ULWA operator is utilized to aggregate the assessment information of uncertain linguistic variables, and the corresponding alternatives are ranked by a formula based on expectation-variance. Finally, a numerical example is given , and the results demonstrate that it is much easier and faster for the ranking method based on ex pectation-variance when compared to the existing methods.
如何挑选菊花?  新鲜的菊花有花萼且颜色偏绿  尽量到有信誉的茶叶店购买菊花,特别要注意,颜色太鲜艳、太漂亮的菊花不能选,应选有花萼,且颜色偏绿的菊花,这样才是最新鲜的。用手摸一摸,松软、顺滑且花瓣不零乱、不脱落,这表明菊花刚开时即被采摘了。颜色发暗的菊花是陈年菊花,有可能长霉。  一泡就绿的菊花是用二氧化硫熏制过的  正常的菊花泡水后颜色是淡黄、透明的。一般来说,杭白菊、京白菊泡出的水,颜色一般
其实,一些简单的方法就可以解决问题,直接提一些简单的要求,一个拥抱、10分钟的谈话时间、一周一次的散步、一起看一些都感兴趣的电视,让一些约定成为习惯就好了。有时沟通不当,不是一个人的问题,可能是你自己的方式也有问题。  其实就每天的压力程度而言,女性比男性更辛劳。尤其在家庭、职业、金钱方面,女性感到的压力远远超过男性。压力大的原因,除外界因素,女性自身的心理因素占了很大比重。女性事事追求完美的心态