Use of Mutual Information Arrays to Predict Coevolving Sites in the Full Length HIV gp120 Protein fo

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It is well established that different sites within a protein evolve at different rates according to their role within the protein; identification of these correlated mutations can aid in tasks such as ab initio protein structure,structure function analysis or sequence alignment.Mutual Information is a standard measure for coevolution between two sites but its application is limited by signal to noise ratio.In this work we report a preliminary study to investigate whether larger sequence sets could circumvent this problem by calculating mutual information arrays for two sets of drug naive sequences from the HIV gp120 protein for the B and C subtypes.Our results suggest that while the larger sequences sets can improve the signal to noise ratio,the gain is offset by the high mutation rate of the HIV virus which makes it more difficult to achieve consistent alignments.Nevertheless,we were able to predict a number of coevolving sites that were supported by previous experimental studies as well as a region close to the C terminal of the protein that was highly variable in the C subtype but highly conserved in the B subtype.
目的 探讨血糖监测系统联合糖尿病学组在内分泌科糖尿病护理中的运用效果.方法 在院内成立糖尿病学组,对内分泌科护理人员开展血糖监测系统使用、糖尿病知识及糖尿病专科技能
【摘要】目的通过心理干预提高血液透析患者的生活质量。方法对血液透析患者进行个体化的心理疏导。结果血液透析患者积极配合治疗、生活质量得到明显提高。  【关键词】血液透析患者;心理干预;个体化  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-7484(s).2014.01.350文章编号:1004-7484(2014)-01-0298-01  慢性肾衰竭是指各种肾脏病导致肾脏功能渐进性不可逆性减退,
目的 研究分析内科学临床教学中应用PBL配合情景教学法的临床效果.方法 选取100例五年制临床医学本科生为研究对象,对照组学生进行传统教学法,实验组学生进行PBL配合情景教学
目前,随着智能化不断发展,一种全新的医疗健康模式—移动医疗(moblie health,m-Health)越来越引起人们的重视和关注,而智能手机是移动医疗众多载体中最为重要和普遍的一种,在
【摘要】目的探讨产后出血患者的临床护理效果。方法选取我院从2012年1月到2013年7月所收治的60例产后出血患者,给予细心护理,对其临床护理资料进行回顾性分析。结果本组的60例产后出血患者,经过及时的抢救,病情稳定,后经过护理人员的精心护理,均治愈,顺利出院,没有出现死亡患者。结论对于产后出血患者,需科学诊断,及时采取相关急救措施,并给予精细的护理,加快病情恢复,确保患者的生命安全。  【关键词
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS)is a deadly infectious disease caused by SARS Coronavirus(SARS-CoV).Inactivated SARS-CoV has been explored as a vaccine a