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  Wolf Moon 狼月
  In January, with the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled1 hungrily outside Native American villages. Thus, the villagers began calling January’s full moon the Wolf Moon. Some tribes2 called January’s full moon the Snow Moon, but most tribes applied that name to February’s full moon.
  Snow Moon 雪月
  Traditionally, the heaviest snow falls and piles even higher in February, so Native American tribes most often called February’s full Moon the Snow Moon or the Full Snow Moon. The February moon was also called the Hunger Moon due to the challenging hunting conditions.
  Worm Moon 虫月
  The full moon that appears in March is called the Worm Moon. Native Americans called this last full moon of winter the Worm Moon after the worm trails3 that would appear in the newly thawed ground. The Worm Moon of March was sometimes referred to by names associated with other signs of spring. For example, the more northern Native American tribes knew the March full moon as the Crow4 Moon, when the cawing5 of crows signaled the end of winter. Christian settlers also called this the Lenten6 Moon and considered it the last moon of winter.
  Pink Moon 粉月
  The full moon that appears in April is called the Pink Moon. This name came from the color of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. The Pink Moon of April is sometimes referred to by names associated with other signs of full spring. In other cultures, this full moon is sometimes call the Sprouting7 Grass Moon (because it marks the time of year when grass starts to grow), the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon.
  Flower Moon 花月
  The full moon that appears in May is called the Flower Moon. May’s abundant8 blooms give its full moon the name Flower Moon in many cultures. The Flower Moon of May is sometimes referred to as the Corn Planting Moon because corn is ready to plant.
  Strawberry Moon 草莓月   The full moon that appears in June is called the Strawberry Moon. In North America, the peak harvesting season for strawberries in June gives that month’s full moon its name. The Strawberry Moon of June is sometimes referred to by Europeans as the Rose Moon, while other cultures named it the Hot Moon for the beginning of the summer heat.
  Buck9 Moon 鹿月
  The full moon that appears in July is called the Buck Moon. Male deer, which shed their antlers10 every year, begin to regrow them in July, hence the Native American name for July’s full moon. The Buck Moon of July is sometimes referred to as the Thunder Moon, for the month’s many summer storms, and Hay Moon, after the July hay harvest.
  Sturgeon11 Moon 鲟月
  The full moon that appears in August is called the Sturgeon Moon by North American fishing tribes, since the species (especially the sturgeon) was abundant during this month, especially in the Great Lakes. The Sturgeon Moon of August is sometimes referred to as the the Red Moon because, as the Moon rises in August, it appears reddish through the fog.
  Harvest Moon 收割月
  The full moon that appears in September is called the Harvest Moon. September’s Harvest Moon refers to the time of year when crops were gathered by Native Americans. It also refers to the Harvest Moon’s particularly bright appearance and early rise, which lets farmers continue harvesting into the night. The Harvest Moon of September is sometimes referred to as the Corn Moon.
  Hunters Moon 狩月
  The full moon that appears in October is called the Hunters Moon. It’s the preferred month to hunt summerfattened deer and fox unable to hide in now bare fields. The Hunters Moon is also particularly bright and long in the sky, giving hunters the opportunity to hunt at night. The Hunters Moon of October is sometimes referred to as the Blood Moon, the Travel Moon and the Dying Grass Moon.
  Beaver12 Moon 海狸月
  The full moon that appears in November is called the Beaver Moon. Some say it comes from Native Americans setting beaver traps during this month before the lakes froze to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Other say that the Beaver Moon comes from the heavy activity of beavers building their winter dams. The Beaver Moon of November was sometimes also referred to as the Frost13 Moon by some Native American tribes.
  Cold Moon 寒月
  The full moon that appears in December is called the Cold Moon. It was sometimes also referred to as the Long Night Moon by some Native American tribes. During December, the winter nights are at their longest and darkest. The full moon name for December often used by Christian14 settlers is the Moon before Yule or the Oak Moon.
摘 要:“本文通过对微课的了解,阐述了微课教学的优势.以《函数概念》为载体,讲述了这节微课的制作,并对微课的制作进行了反思:设计是微课的灵魂;软件的选择是微课的保证;必要的技术使微课更加完美.特写此文和大家交流、共勉.  关键词:微课;翻转课堂;函数概念;Camtasia stadio软件  [?] 微课教学的优势  在2014届高一所有数学任课教师都要参加的全员培训章金良老师给我们做的一个与微课
On February 2, 1887, Groundhog Day, featuring a rodent2 meteorologist3, is celebrated for the first time at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. According to tradition, if a groundhog comes o
摘 要:数学教师必须关注自身的专业成长,同组教师听课可以为高中数学教师的专业成长发挥很大的效用. 同组教师听课过程中,需要在听课之前思考上课教师所上的内容并进行自我构思,需要在听课过程中记录下上课教师与自己自主构思的异同,听课之后需要在比较的基础上进行有针对性的提问. 经由这样的过程,听课就不再是一个与日常教学分离的过程,而是一个与日常教学有机融合的过程,可以有效促进教师的专业成长.  关键词:高
摘 要:本文利用S0L0分类理论,依据解答数学试题所用思维能力的水平高低,制定出符合目前高考的试题划分标准,并将高考数学试题划分为四个S0L0层次:单点结构水平(U)、多点结构水平(M)、关联结构水平(R)和抽象扩展结构水平(E). 根据上述标准,对四个首批课改实验区从2007年到2012年共六年的高考数学试题进行S0L0层次划分,得到了不同年份、不同地区的高考数学试卷能力结构和S0L0层次分布趋
摘 要:含参变量不等式恒成立问题,在近几年高考试卷中屡见不鲜. 因为它的试题背景可以不受内容的限制,如可以是以函数、数列、向量、三角为背景,甚至可以是以立体几何、解析几何为背景,所以备受命题者的青睐. 然而类型虽多样,但各种类型的处理策略却大同小异. 本文是通过对一个比赛试题解法的深入思考,总结归纳出不等式恒成立问题的一种破解方法——构造函数法,以及配合此法的三个不同的处理角度.  关键词:不等式
The COVID-19 pandemic2 has changed life. Millions of people worldwide are now under mandatory3 or voluntary lockdowns. All public attractions, including museums and aquariums4, are closed, and the usu
导演(Director):提姆·米勒(Tim Miller)  主演(Starring):瑞安·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)  莫瑞娜·巴卡琳(Morena Baccarin)  艾德·斯克林(Ed Skrein)  T·J·米勒(T. J. Miller)  吉娜·卡拉诺(Gina Carano)  类型(Type):动作(Action)/ 科幻(Sci-fi)/ 冒险(Adventur
[摘 要] 同课异构是课堂研究的热词. 不同教学方式、方法、策略、手段会产生不同的教学效果,是继承和批判的统一,通过课堂教学评议可以赢得智慧的共生.  [关键词] 同课异构;教学评议;教学反思  为使教学更具有效度,往往会确定相同课题,采用不同教学方式、方法、策略、手段阐述各自的设计意图及理念. 通过课堂教学评议发现执教者的优势和不足,从而提高教学的有效性,这种方法即同课异构. 参与了选修1-1中
Split Apple Rock裂開的苹果岩
靳云 女,40岁,中学一级教师,山东省章丘市优秀教师,章丘市师德标兵。多年来,在省级以上报刊上发表文章40余篇,并有多篇论文获奖。曾获得2004-2005学年度《英语周报》优秀作者奖。  假定你叫李明,你的朋友张华几次模拟考试(simulated exams)的成绩都不如意,他学习很努力,可成绩老是上不去,很灰心,于是写信向你求助。请你以“Never Give Up”为题给张华写一封80词左右的回