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  It wasn’t a history book. It wasn’t a museum. It was right there.

  There was a small hole in the kitchen floor that led to a secret crawl space. That image is burned into my memory. The space was maybe five feet long by five feet wide.
  The owner of the house said,"They used to fit six people inside there. When the Nazis would come."
  His name was Tadeusz Skoczylas, and the house we were in had belonged to his family during World War II. It was a small brick house in the town of Ciepielów, Poland.
  I had been in Poland for a few days already, and the horror of the history I had experienced was overwhelming. But this was something different. This was so personal.
  I’m looking at this tiny space. And I’m imagining six people down there, hiding from death. Six real people. Crawling through that little hole right in front of me. Not that long ago. It wasn’t a history book. It wasn’t a museum. It was right there.
  Tadeusz explained that one day in 1942, Nazi soldiers visited the house on a tip. Someone in the village had told them that the family had been harboring Jewish people. There were supposed to be 10 Skoczylas living in the house. On this particular day, the youngest boy in the family was not home when the soldiers came by. The Nazis grew suspicious and began tearing the house apart. They found the hole and the crawl space, but the Jewish people the family had been hiding were not there. They had already moved on.
  Without saying a word, the Nazis went next door to a neighboring family and took their young son. The punishment for hiding Jews was death for the entire family, and they had a quota to fill. The soldiers took all 10 people out back and executed them right in front of those barns and shacks that are still standing there today.

  When the little Skoczylas boy returned home, he found his entire family dead.
  That little boy was Tadeusz’s grandfather. The house stayed in the Skoczylas family, and his grandfather lived in it. Now Tadeusz and his mother live in it.
  I couldn’t believe it. And as I walked through the rest of the house, this feeling sort of took over me. There was all this history right in front of me. And it was real. I could reach out and touch it. I could feel it between my fingers and smell it in the air. It was a tangible thing.
  I took that trip just a few months ago. It was my first time in Poland. I went there to learn more about something that had fascinated me since I was a teenager: the Holocaust. I’d read so many books and articles about it, but reading words on a page is not the same thing as seeing things up close.
  Then I visited the Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C., for the first time. It was 1998, and I was playing for the Milwaukee Bucks. I was in D.C. meeting our owner, Herb Kohl, over the summer. We had some time free time on my last day in the city, and Mr. Kohl suggested we go to the Holocaust Museum on the National Mall. I’ll never forget how I felt after those two hours in there - I could have spent two days. My immediate feeling was that everyone needs to go there.
  There was one room in particular, though, that I think about often. It’s filled with photos of Jews from a town in Poland. The pictures line the walls and extend up toward the sky, where light floods in from a window. Almost 90% of the people in the images were sent to their death. Before they were taken to concentration camps or executed, they would leave their prized possessions behind with friends or family.
  The people of these Jewish communities were pushed to the absolute limit of their human instincts. They just wanted to survive. And from that, the tales of brotherhood and camaraderie are so awe-inspiring. It was a reminder of what the human spirit is capable of - both for good and evil.   这些犹太人被推到了人类本能的极限,他们只想生存。在此之上的兄弟情义和同志情谊,同样让人感动。这无时无刻不在提醒我们人类精神的力量——无论是好是坏。
  Honestly … it made me feel sort of irrelevant. Which was a strange thought to have as a young NBA player who was supposed to be on top of the world. I was realizing that there were things outside of my bubble that mattered so much more. I wanted my teammates to feel that as well. So every team I played on after that, whenever we were in D.C. playing the Wizards, I would ask our coach if we had time to go through the museum. Every visit was different, but each guy came out thanking me for taking us there. I could see in their eyes that they had a different perspective on life after that experience.
  I thought I knew what the Holocaust was, and what it meant. I went to Poland with a few close friends to learn more. But I wasn’t prepared for how deeply the visit would affect me. I had seen so many documentaries and films on Auschwitz, but nothing really prepares you for being there.
  The first thing I felt when I walked through those iron gates was … heavy. The air around me felt heavy. I stood on the train tracks where the prisoners of the camp would arrive, and I felt like I could hear the trains coming to a halt. I had to take a breath to center myself. It was so immediate. So overwhelming.
  We walked through the barracks and gas chambers and what I remember most is what I heard: nothing. I’ve never experienced silence like that. Apart from footsteps, the complete lack of sound was almost jarring. It’s eerie and sobering. You’re standing in these rooms where so much death has taken place and your mind is trying to come to terms with all that’s happened in this space.
  One question keeps repeating over and over and over in your mind: How can human beings do this to one another?
  How does somebody process that? You can’t.
  This is not history. This is humanity. This is now. This is a living lesson for us as a people.   这不是历史。这是人性,就是当下。对所有人来说,这是活着的教训。
  After Tadeusz Skoczylas took us through his family’s home, I stood outside for a while by myself, thinking about everything I had experienced.
  Why do we learn about the Holocaust? Is it just so we can make sure nothing like this ever happens again? Is it because six million people died? Yes, but there’s a bigger reason, I think.

  The Holocaust was about how human beings — real, normal people like you and me — treat each other.
  When the Skoczylas family was risking their own lives to hide people they barely knew, they weren’t doing it because they practiced the same religion or were the same race. They did it because they were decent, courageous human beings. They were the same as those people crouched in a hole. And they knew that those people didn’t deserve what was being done to them.
  I asked myself a really tough question: Would I have done the same?
  When I returned home to America, I got some very disheartening messages directed toward me on social media regarding my trip. Some people didn’t like the fact that I was going to Poland to raise awareness for the issues that happened there and not using that time or energy to support people in the black community.
  I was told my ancestors would be ashamed of me.
  I know there are trolls online and I shouldn’t even pay attention, but that one sort of got to me. Because I understood where they were coming from. I understand that there are plenty of issues in our own country right now, but they were looking at my trip the wrong way. I didn’t go to Poland as a black person, a white person, a Christian person or a Jewish person - I went as a human being.

  It’s easy to say "I went to make sure these things don’t happen again." But I went to learn about the true reality of what happened during the Holocaust, and what we can take from that. The people who believe that I am not spending my time the way the right way … well, they’re missing the entire point.   “我希望保证这种事再也不会发生”,这话说起来很容易。但我了解了大屠杀的真相,知道我们从中能学到什么。那些认为我没有正确利用时间的人,他们根本没有抓住要点。
  We have to do a better job breaking through ignorance and the close-mindedness and the divisions that are plaguing our society in 2017.
  I remember being a kid in elementary school, and we all used to have a couple pen pals from around the world. I was so excited to hear back from people in different countries. I wanted to know about how they lived. I was curious about their lives. And I feel like we’ve lost that a little bit. It seems like now, we only see us. We only want to look out for us. Whatever us even means.
  I think about the Tadeusz family. Who did they define as us?
  They saw us as every human being, regardless of what they looked like, or what they believed. They thought everyone was worth protecting. And they were willing to die for it.

  That is something worth remembering, always.
秋天的深圳天气依旧火热,而森林狼和勇士两支球队的到来,更让这座城市掀起了新一轮的浪潮。在这波篮球掀起的热浪当中,不仅有篮球迷,更有不少电竞粉丝。  原来,在NBA中国赛深圳站比赛的前一天,一场“NBA2K Online电竞群星赛”在深圳激情开打。除了有勇士和森林狼两支球队的球星们参与到比赛中,来自国内的演艺明星,嘻哈歌手以及电竞高玩们也都来到现场,他们先后和NBA球星组队,共同打响了这场万众瞩目的
【项目基金】 本文受中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目资助,项目编号JY10000908019  【摘要】 本文从语言学及哲学角度分析了语境的概念,讨论了语境和意义的关系,总结了目前对语境的分类。此外,本文探讨了语境理论对于EFL教学的启示,即不但要注重英语语言形式,更要注重其在特定语境条件中的语用功能,以提高学生英语使用的语境恰当性与可接受性。  【关键词】 语境 意义 文化  【Ab
在看完2017年的季后赛,尤其是看完事先被媒体爆炒,但过程却一边倒的总决赛后,有一种强烈的感觉涌上了我们的心头。  我们看到的是什么?我们看到的是勇士横扫晋级总决赛,并在总决赛的四场胜利中三场打爆了卫冕冠军骑士。我们看到的是过去四年三获MVP的两人同在一队,他们甚至还不满30岁,而球队的“配角”中还有两位全明星。他们阵容的年龄结构看上去毫无弱点,他们在场上还乐意分享球,还能打出防守,彼此默契无间。
摘要:追求科学课课堂的高效,是当今科学教学亟待解决的课题。实验又是科学教学中最常用和最重要的教学手段,巧妙利用视频展台可以很好的易化小学科学实验教学的各个环节,不仅能克服实验条件的限制,还能提高实验的演示可见度,增强演示实验的有效性,加强实验操作的规范性、正确性、为学生进行实验设计创造条件,丰富学生的实验知识等,最大限度地发挥实验的作用,从而达到优化实验的目的。  关键词:科学教学 实验 视频展台
一直以来,人们对于DE’AARON FOX的期待都居高不下,他也没有让他们失望。现在,这位有可能为球队扭转乾坤的控卫即将来到大舞台之上,他也早已为有生以来最大的挑战做好了准备。  距离在纽约城进行的NBA选秀还有不到五周时间,达龙·福克斯正在距离纽约2400英里之外的太平洋海岸准备选秀。当他在加利福尼亚州的千橡市进行选秀前的训练时,他完全了解自己的优势在哪。他也很清楚,再过大概一个月时间,他会成为
【摘要】 随着21世纪的来临,以多媒体和国际互联网为代表的当代信息技术,正以惊人的速度改变着人们的生存方式和学习方式。信息技术与学科教育的整合,提高了教育的智能化水平和学生在教育中的主体地位,实现了新的教育思想,提高了教学效果,实现了学生学习的主体地位。优化了教学过程,实现了师生合作,实现了学生为主体的教学模式。并且信息技术与课程呢的整合在不断地深入到教学一线,被利用、被推广,也受到了国家和社会的
上海滩是个总发生大事件的地方,这不万众期待的NBA中国赛又来到這里。此次NBA中国赛的主角,是去年冠军金州勇士,和新生代代表明尼苏达森林狼,在联盟里这两只球队都是实力和人气俱佳。相比往年,如此豪华的阵容让来自全国各地的球迷齐聚上海,见证这一篮球盛宴。  此次NBA中国赛自然是精彩纷呈,不管是在现场的球迷,还是在电视机前的球迷都享受到了一次NBA盛宴。除了精彩的比赛,Under Armour旗下篮球
随着语文课程和教学改革的不断深入,阅读的地位更显其重要。怎样更好的进行阅读教学,如何提高阅读教学的效率,也就成为我们探究的课题。阅读教学贵在善于质疑,贵在从质疑到解疑的过程。在阅读教学的过程中如何进行质疑求解呢?一般地说,应主要从以下几个方面人手。  1、对文中多次出现的语句或人物动作、神态提出质疑  一篇文章中有时会多次出现同一语句或人物的动作、神态,而出现的具体语境又往往不同,那么它所表达的意
【摘要】 在新教材改革后,实验比重明显加大。高考实验题非常强调实验过程、实验原理的分析能力,突出考查学生的探究能力,注重实验设计和实验方案评价能力的考查。高考化学实验试题基本都是在教学大纲和考试大纲的框架下进行的,取材于教材又高于教材,注重对教材实验的延伸、拓展和综合,这符合了“以本为本,以纲为纲”的试题命题原则。  【关键词】 新课标 实验教学 教材实验   新课程教材中的化学实验已成为