
来源 :华夏考古 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duyyy12345
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The Neolithic cultures of Xiangjiang River Basin can be partitioned into five major phases. each phase is characterized by its distinctive features indicating that thie area lacked the formation of a regional culture that the indigenous traditional influence was weak,According to the perspectives of cultureal dispersion, the Xiangjiang River Basin is located in the marginal area of two maor cuItura traditions-the weatem part of the middle Changjiang River, and the eastern part of the lower Changjiang River. The Neolithic pottery of the former is dominated by the round -bottomed and ring—footed vessels; while the Neolithic pottery of the latter is characterized by tripod vessels. During the first and the second phases, the Xinagjing pottery assemblage was dominated by the western style.At about the Duiziling Culture of the third phase, the eastem elements speedily advanced westward.It became dondnating at some time. The two cultural spheres then engages in a see-saw battle until the rise of the Shijiahe Culture and the fall of the Liangzhu Culture. During the Duoshangping type of the late Muoshan phase, the Shijiahe cultural type unified the whole river basin. The Neolithic cultures of Xiangjiang River Basin can be partitioned into five major phases. Each phase is characterized by its distinctive features indicating that thie area lacked the formation of a regional culture that the indigenous traditional influence was weak, According to the perspectives of cultureal dispersion, the Xiangjiang River Basin is located in the marginal area of ​​two maor cuItura traditions-the weatem part of the middle Changjiang River, and the eastern part of the lower Changjiang River. The Neolithic pottery of the former is dominated by the round -bottomed and ring While the Neolithic pottery of the latter is characterized by tripod vessels. During the first and the second phases, the Xinagjing pottery assemblage was dominated by the western style. At about the Duiziling Culture of the third phase, the eastem elements speedily the two cultural spheres then engagement in a see-saw battle until the rise of the Shijiahe Culture and the fall of the Liangzhu Culture. During the Duoshangping type of the late Muoshan phase, the Shijiahe cultural type unified the whole river basin.
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