The Review of the Studies of Trilingual Education in inghai

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  This article mainly deals with the studies of trilingual education in inghai done by some scholars, pointing out the existing problems and putting forward some measures that can be taken by some concerned departments to improve the quality of trilingual education in inghai.
  Review Trilingual Education inghai
  Ininghai Trilingual education covers the teaching of Tibetan, Han Chinese and English since Tibetan people occupy the majority of the dwelling minorities and they are distributed in such prefectures as Yushu, Guoluo, Huangnan, Hainan, Haibei, Haixi, Haidong and three counties affiliated to Xining and the city of Ge Er Mu. In the prefectures of Yushu, Guoluo, Hainan, Huangnan, Haixi, local governments established ethic minority primary and secondary schools in which three language courses (Tibetan, Han Chinese and English) are offered. Students begin to learn both Tibetan and Han Chinese from primary grade one on and when they come to grade three, English is added. The teachers who teach Tibetan are mostly Tibetan people and the teachers teaching Han Chinese and English are both Tibetan and Han People in different proportion. In the teaching of English, most of the teachers apply both traditional and modern methods such as Grammar Translation and Task-based method.
  ⅠProfessor Feng’s study
  The study (Feng2003) shows that due to the shortage of competent trilingual teachers, trilingual teaching is insufficiently practiced in schools that minority pupils attend. The study shows that 62.9% EFL teachers surveyed are Han, with little knowledge of minority languages. Classroom observations also indicate that most EFL teachers fail to switch their languages in EFL classrooms when necessary, and thus fail to cater to the learning. Thus, the effectiveness is unsatisfactory and the minority students usually can not get a good score at the college entrance examination due to the poor foundation of English and Han Chinese which partly lead to their failure to enter inland good universities. Most of them go to universities for nationalities or enter the pre-study period for universities.
  Ⅱ Professor Ma’s study
  In 2010,Professor Ma and his research group investigated the status quo of trilingual education of bilingual schools in inghai in order to gain an overall understanding of trilingual education in ethnic groups of inghai. In his report he summarizes the changes of trilingual education policies in inghai’s history, for example, in 1950, the medium of instruction in ethnic education should mainly be the native language and teaching materials were roughly compiled by local ethic teachers. In 1962, the provincial government initiated a movement for enforcing the quality promotion in ethnic minority education, proposing a report concerning the basic situation of present ethnic minority education and the proposals for future implementation. One proposal was that the native language as the media of instruction principle had to be strictly implemented and the ethnic minority students had to improve their proficiency in native language use. In 1963, the provincial education bureau proposed a report concerning opening boarding primary schools in the pastoral areas, stating that bilingual system was applied to the students in the higher grade of boarding 6 schools. They learned their ethnic mother tongue as well as Chinese (Ma p.5) In addition, their study also finds that present conditions in inghai Tibetan bilingual schools are not better enough for students to meet their desire on learning. Most students (more than 50%) are not satisfied with teachers’ teaching and facilities. The more serious problem is that in some primary schools there is not a single full time teacher who can teach English and schools just recruit untrained temporary teachers or part-time teachers as a way of filling up the gap. (Ma 2010)   Ⅲ Professor Luo’s study
  In 2008, Luo did the study ofBilingual Education in inghai in order to know the condition of the bilingual education of inghai Minorities Area, especially Tibetan Secondary Schools. She took Tongde as the case. Through investigations, the author lists some of the problems existing in Bilingual Education, thinking that the prominent obstacle to bilingual education in inghai is the desperate lack of qualified bilingual teachers. Teaching styles are boring with too much concentration on grammar, vocabulary and readings in addition to the rote memory of vocabulary and sentences. Such practices have dampened students’ interest in learning both Tibetan and Chinese. The problems are also shared in Ma’s study.
  Ⅳ Scholar Lhundrup’s study
  In 2012 Lhundrup published a research report on the development of bilingual education in the nomadic areas of inghai province, analyzing the current status and the trends of the school education in the Tibetan nomadic areas. In the article he pointed out the factors that prevent Tibetan students from improving the level of Han Chinese mainly lie in the following points: desperate lack of bilingual Teachers, especially in nomadic areas, unbalanced structure of Teachers group, Teachers’ poor ability both in profession and bilingualism, severe lack of in-service teachers’ training, poor welfare for Teachers and unstable teachers group, desperate lack of qualified Han Chinese teachers, teachers’ lack of responsibility, lack of Han Chinese environment and teaching methodology towards Tibetan students, lack of scientific understanding and correct recognition of bilingual education, and improper school teaching model (2012). The above report is a detailed summary that gives an account of obstacles encountered by Tibetan students in the process of learning Han Chinese.
  To sum up, in inghai the most prominent problems in trilingual education can be the desperate shortage of trilingual teachers and workers to which, Fan Yunlong suggests that the ethnic colleges and universities should assume the mission of training and cultivating trilingual teachers and educators for minority areas (2012) and the badly need of trilingual teaching materials and textbooks. Therefore, capital investment, improvement of facilities, research into teaching strategies and approaches, improvement of administrative levels, the compilation of teaching textbooks and materials are the issues over which concerns should be expressed by different levels including nation, province, region and schools in order to enhance the quality of trilingual education in inghai.
  [1]Anwei, F Impact on minority education. Bilingual education in China: practices, policy and concepts,2007.268.
  [2]Chunfang, L“Bilingual Education in inghai Province, China” Save the Children, UK, China Programme, Beijing office.
  [3]Fu,M.Trilingual Education of Bilingual Schools in inghai.Institute of China Studies University of Malaya,2012,4.
  [4]Lhundrup, P. A Reseacrh Report on the Development of Bilingual Education in the Nomadic Areas of inghai Province. Northwest Journal of Ethnology, 2012,72(1):14-28.
  [5]Yunlong, F. The Ethnic Colleges and Universities Should Assume the Mission of Training and Educating English Teachers for Minority and Its Areas. Guizhou Ethnic Studies, 2012,33(6):199-202.
摘要:舞蹈作为形体动作艺术,有其特殊的表现形式。一个好的舞蹈,除了有好的编导手法外,还必须在用规范动作展现舞蹈的风格、动律的同时,将内心对舞蹈的情绪体验充分地表现出来,使观众在观赏舞姿的同时,受到情绪的感染而得到美的享受。然而,当前舞蹈教学中由于过多地注重舞蹈动作技术、技巧的培养,而忽视了舞蹈表现力的隐性学习。  关键词:儿童舞蹈 表现力 傣族舞蹈教学  在素质教育的形势下,舞蹈艺术教育是对学生进
摘要:今天,人们普遍认识到了知识的重要性,从社会到学校再到家庭,更多的人关注的是成绩,而忽略了做人的教育。千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。作为教师,我们面对的是人,教人做人是我们的责任。  关键词:做人 养成教育 心灵引导 言行育人  作为一名教师,也曾细细思忖:我应该教什么?应当教“书”,更应该教“学”,还是应该……我从思考走向实践,又在实践中去修正思想,终于豁然开朗:我要教“人”为“仁”!
随着新课程改革的深入,越来越多的教育者把目光投向以学生为本的素质教育上。生本理念下的高中语文课堂教学是以学生为主体,充分发挥学生的主动性,使高中语文教学摆脱单调、枯燥,让学生对高中语文产生兴趣,在欢声笑语的氛围中,让高中语文课堂教学精彩纷呈。以生本理念为背景,重点探究了高中语文课堂有效教学策略。拟期为同行提供参考意见。  生本理念高中语文学生随着社会的不断发展,语文教育改革也在进一步深化,教师们在
新一轮英语课程改革对英语教师提出了更高的要求,培养真正具有“一定的综合语言运用能力”的学生是我们英语教学的最终目标。Reading部分是提高英语教学质量的关键所在。然而在Reading部分的教学过程普遍存在着许多值得我们英语老师分析与反思的教学现状。  初中英语任务型反思对策《初中英语新课程标准》中明确提出:“本课程倡导任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式
让课堂练习散发出新理念的气息,让学生在“我要学习,我要思考”的积极需求中能“人人学有用的数学,人人获得必需的数学,不同的人学不同的数学”,这是新理念下我们应该共同思考的问题。多年的理论学习与教学实践,笔者认为“精,趣,活,实”是数学有效课堂练习必不可少的“四有”目标。  数学有效课堂教学精 趣活实一、精益求精——“精准”的设计是有效练习的开端  教材中的练习是新理念的基本载体和文本形式,教师需要立
传统的教学模式把音乐教学限制在教科书、黑板、钢琴、图表中,不容易激发学生学习音乐的兴趣,使学生很难产生情感上的共鸣,因此就出现了让音乐教师头痛的怪现象:学生爱音乐,却不爱上音乐课。  信息技术音乐教学整合信息技术的飞速发展给音乐教学带来了无限生机,插上了飞翔的翅膀。二者的有效整合,既能改变长久以来呆板的教学模式,改变了音乐课堂无生气的状态,还能增加课堂的直观性,富有生气,更能极大地激发学生的学习兴
作为人类文明发展史上的新阶段,生态文明建设的核心理念是人与自然和谐相处与共同发展,表现在教育领域即是努力培养为人类走出生态危机、走向和谐发展做出贡献的创新性“生态型人才”。本文以天津市某区重点中学为例,简要阐述生态型人才培养模式建构的理论和实践探索,为培养面向社会发展新阶段的和谐、全面、可持续发展的人才做初步尝试。  生态型人才生态型教育人才培养近年来,随着我国经济高速发展,在“效率优先”的发展战
从社会学视角出发,对当前高校安全管理中的问题进行分析,试图给出高校安全管理问题的解决对策。  高校安全 社会学视角 问题 对策  2013年上半年,我国高校安全事故频发:复旦大学研究生投毒案、南京航空航天大学刺死案……6月河南省警方抓获专门于各大高校内行窃的犯罪团伙,涉案金额高达50余万,分布六省22所高校内。据犯罪嫌疑人交代,之所以将高校师生作为行窃目标就是因为高校安全漏洞较多。  随着高校办学
学分制是高校教学改革发展的必由之路,在学分制背景下,高校的教学管理从纵向的教师主导向横向的学生主导转变,从而对学生自主学习能力的要求大大提升。本文从伙伴教育理念出发,探讨了高校实施学长制的背景、必要性、可行性、实施模式以及效果,期望能对高校学长制的实施和推广总结经验教训,完善高校学长制的实施模式。  自主学习伙伴教育学长制江汉大学自2011年9月份开始实行学分制。以往学年制背景下由学院教学管理办公
提高教学质量的主体在教师,建立健全教师教学的激励机制,是提高教师教学的积极性、荣誉感和使命感的有效途径。“最受学生欢迎的任课教师”的评选充分体现了学生在教学评价中的话语权。笔者认为,为提高教学质量,必须充分调动并发挥相关激励机制作用,提高教师教学水平,唤醒教师的教学荣誉感。  教学激励机制实践所谓激励,是激发人动机的过程,即通常所说的调动人的积极性的问题。现代管理学认为,一个组织管理水平和工作效率