一般栽培的稗子,是禾本科稷属的一种。很像榖子,一年生草本,高三、四尺叶细长而尖,分叶力很强。学名 Panicum frumentaceum hook 可能是水稻田等外野生稗子(Panicum Grus Galli L)的一种变种。这种作物在我国栽培很早,大约在2500年以前就开始栽培,自汉朝即做为救荒作物。根据过去调查的资料,河北省大约有675,000亩,多集中在渤海湾沿岸各,中部也有零散分布,以冀东昌黎、南、、南等为最多。这四1950年种植面积达371.627亩,占总栽培面积的7.4%。
The common cultivated barnyardgrass is a species of Gramineae. Much like prickly heat, annual herbs, sophomores, and four-footed leaves are slender and pointed with strong leafing force. The scientific name Panicum frumentaceum hook may be a variant of the Panicum Grus Galli L, such as paddy fields. This crop is cultivated very early in our country and began to be cultivated about 2500 years ago. According to the data from past surveys, there are about 675,000 mu of land in Hebei Province, most of which are concentrated on the coasts of the Bohai Bay. There are also scattered spots in the central part of the province, most of which are in Changli, South and South of Jidong. The four-year planted area of 371.627 acres in 1950, accounting for 7.4% of the total cultivated area.