1991年4月底,秭归县郭家坝乡页岩砖厂,在卜庄河山坡上,开山取土时发现一批古墓,并及时报告有关单位。经文化部门履行审批手续后,于1991年6月3日至13日,由宜昌地区博物馆主持,秭归县屈原纪念馆参加,对这批古墓葬进行了抢救性发掘。卜庄河位于长江南岸,隶属秭归县郭家坝乡卜庄河村,西南距乡政府驻地约5公里,北与香溪镇隔江相望,东临长江。兵书宝剑峡”(图一)。古墓分布在卜庄河镇东南150米的山坡上。共发掘5座墓葬,经整理可分为战国、西汉、东汉三个时期(表一)。现简报如下: 战国墓
At the end of April 1991, the Zhaogui County Guojiaba shale brick factory found a group of ancient tombs on the hillsides of Buzhuang River and reported the relevant units in time. After the examination and approval formalities were carried out by the cultural departments, the museum was hosted by the Yichang Regional Museum and the Quyuan Memorial Hall was held in Yichang from June 3 to June 13, 1991, for the rescue excavation of these ancient tombs. Bu Zhuanghe is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River and belongs to Buzhuanghe Village of Guojiaba Township in Zigui County. It is about 5 kilometers away from the resident of the township government in the southwest. It faces the township of Xiangxi in the north and the Yangtze River in the east. Soldier book sword Gap. "Ancient tomb located in Bu Zhuanghe town 150 meters southeast of the hill. A total of five excavations found tombs, finishing can be divided into the Warring States, Western Han Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty three periods (Table 1). As follows: Warring States tomb