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1931年的宁粤对峙是国民政府时期重大的历史事件。九一八事变后,在停止冲突共赴国难的政治背景下,宁方在粤方的强大压力下被迫让步,蒋介石下野。国民党通过中央政制改革案,强化党权,采用责任内阁制,双方初步和解。宁粤对峙既是个人权力之争,也体现了双方的政治态度。宁粤和解未能从根本上解决制度难题,党内冲突继续存在。1935年底汪精卫遇刺后,蒋兼任行政院院长,实现了个人集权,但未走向独裁政治。通过和解方式建立的政制始终存在着反集权的力量,如民主宪政的政治诉求,它在一定的舆论空间与制度空间内,一直有其生根发芽的土壤与成长的机会。 The confrontation between Ning Yue and Guangdong in 1931 was a major historic event during the period of the Kuomintang government. After the Sept.18 Incident, Ning Fang was forced to give in under the strong pressure of the Guangdong side under the political backdrop of ending the national crisis and Chiang Kai-shek stepped down. The Kuomintang adopted the case of the reform of the political system in the Central Government, strengthened its party power and adopted a system of responsible cabinet. The two sides initially settled reconciliation. The confrontation between Ning Yue and Guangdong is not only an issue of personal power but also reflects the political attitude of both sides. The settlement of Ningxia and Guangdong failed to solve the system problems fundamentally, and the intra-party conflicts persisted. After the assassination of Wang Ching-wei in late 1935, Jiang became concurrently the chief executive of the Executive Yuan, realizing his own totalitarian but not dictatorship. The constitutional system established through reconciliation always has the power of anti-centralization, such as the political appeal of democratic constitutionalism. It has always had its root and its chance of growth in a certain space of public opinion and institutional space.
芦竹为新兴的禾本科能源植物。试验以组织培养的芦竹苗为试验材料,通过第1年施肥2次、1次和不施肥,其后2 a均不施肥的试验设计,测定了3 a间芦竹的直径、高度和单丛萌蘖株数等
<正> “三阳开泰”是称颂岁首之辞。每当新年伊始,我国民间,尤其是商家,常以张贴“三阳开泰图”或雕塑“三阳开泰”座像来预祝新年吉祥,其中的“三阳”常被画家或雕塑家用母