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随着改革、开放、创新的势头,报纸上的信息多起来了,新的信息多起来了。信息不多、不新的报纸不能适应当前的形势,可以说已成定论了。但是,怎样在报纸宣传中正确运用典型报道这一形式呢?我看是值得商讨的。报道典型的目的就是为了指导一般,好的作为榜样,坏的促人深省。一般说来,典型总是比较全面、完整的,要讲清它的来龙去脉和前因后果,要讲透它的意义,所以典型不可能一发现就见报,有一个观察、成熟甚至培养的过程,出现一个全面、完整的典型是不容易的。过去‘典型开路’、‘以典型带动一般’的宣传方式,主要是为了推动政治运动,推广一种领导方法,而不能满足广大群众获取信息的需要。事实上,报纸上如果充满一些模式化的‘典型报道’,反而削弱了为读者提供 With the momentum of reform, opening up and innovation, the information in the newspapers has increased, and new information has increased. It is a matter of conclusion that there is not much information and new newspapers can not adapt to the current situation. However, how to properly use the typical form of newspaper coverage? I think it is worth discussing. The typical purpose of the report is to guide the general, good as a role model, bad promote people. In general, the typical is always more comprehensive, complete, to clarify its ins and outs and antecedents and consequences, to tell its meaning, so the typical can not find a report, there is a process of observation, maturity and even culture, there is a Comprehensive and complete model is not easy. In the past, ’typical open roads’ and ’typically driven general’ propaganda methods were mainly aimed at promoting political campaigns and promoting a leadership approach that could not meet the needs of the general public for information. In fact, if the newspaper is filled with some modeled “typical reports,” it will actually weaken the readers’
四川省首届广播电视优秀论文评选于四月五日揭晓,荣获优秀论文奖的有十六篇论文,获探索奖励的有十八篇论文。这些获奖论文是一九八六年全 The first radio and television
茖葱(Allium victorialis.L)为百合科(Liliaceae)葱属(Allium)多年生草本植物。其性微温、味辛、无毒、归肺经,具辛散温通,芳香辟秽,在中医上用于风寒感冒,呕恶胀满之症。长白山茖葱营养丰富、风味独特,是天然的绿色食品,食之能治赤白痢、肠炎、腹泻、胸痹诸疾,被誉为“菜中灵芝”。本试验以宽(W)、窄(N)两种叶型长白山茖葱为供试材料,首先从分类学和形态解剖学角度对两种叶
A solar-blind photodetector is fabricated on single crystal Ga2O3 based on vertical structure Schottky barrier diode.A Cu Schottky contact electrode is prepared