恩格斯在《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》一书中,论述地产也表现为财富时,说:“完全的、自由的土地所有权,不仅意味着毫无障碍和毫无限制地占有土地的可能性,而且也意味着把它出让的可能性。……你们希望有完全的、自由的、可以出售的土地所有权,现在你们得到它了——这就是你所希望的,乔治·唐丹!”(《马克思恩格斯选集》第四卷,第163页) 乔治·唐丹,是十七世纪法国喜剧大师莫里哀的戏剧《乔治·唐丹》的主人公。这个有钱的乡下富农,为了跻身于贵族阶级,改变自己的社会地位,一方面苦心经营,极力占有更多的土地;一方面不惜血本,用自己的钱财,替家道中落的贵族索当维尔填补了他们入不敷
Engels, in his book “The Origins of Family, Private Ownership and State,” arguing that property is also manifested as wealth, states: “Complete and free land ownership not only means the possibility of possession of the land without any obstacle and without restriction , But also means the possibility of transferring it .... You want complete, free, marketable land ownership, and now you have it - and that’s what you want, George Don Dan! ”(" Selected Works of Marx and Engels, vol. IV, p. 163) George Donan is the protagonist of the drama George Donanda, a French comedy master of the seventeenth century. In order to rank among the aristocrats and change their social status, the wealthy peasant rich country, on the one hand, diligently managed to occupy more land; on the other, he spared no expense to use his own money for his nobleman Sodang Verde Filled them into enough