“汉译英”是一种综合能力很强的题型,必须多进行翻译实践,通过大量的口笔头语言实践,才能逐步形成这种能力。这就和大家学数学一样,记住公式是一回事,会运用是另一回事,二者之间差距很大。那么,同学们该怎样提高自己的“汉译英”能力呢? 一、熟记教材中的重要句子就中考试卷中的翻译试题看,所翻译的语言材料要么是教材原句,要
“Chinese-English translation” is a type of question with a very comprehensive ability. It is necessary to carry out more translation practice. Through a large number of oral written language practices, this ability can gradually be formed. This is the same as learning mathematics. It is one thing to remember that the formula is one thing and the use of it is another matter. There is a big gap between the two. Then, how can students improve their ability to “translate Chinese into English?” 1. Memorize the important sentences in the textbooks. Look at the translation questions in the exam paper. The translated language materials are either material texts.