Mogao Caves

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  Mogao Caves are one of the largest, most richly endowed, and longest used treasure houses of Buddhist art in the world. First constructed in 366, they represent the great achievements of Buddhist art from the fourth to the 14th century. Carved into the cliffs above the Dachuan River, Gansu Province, the caves hold an unrivaled collection of Buddhist manuscripts, murals, sculptures, paintings and textiles spanning more than 1,000 years.
  A total of 492 caves have been preserved up to now and house about 45,000 square meters of murals and more than 2,000 painted sculptures, reflecting the splendid culture and history of different Chinese dynasties. The biggest cave is 40 meters high and 30 meters wide.
  Located 25 km from the city center of Dunhuang, a major place of intercultural exchanges on the ancient Silk Road, Mogao Caves draw influence from multiple sources, including Han Chinese, ancient Tibetans and other Chinese ethnic minorities, as well as Indians.
  The artworks in the caves show various aspects of medieval politics, economics, culture, arts, religion and ethnic relations. Cave 302, dating from the Sui Dynasty (581-618), contains one of the oldest and most vivid scenes of cultural exchanges along the Silk Road, depicting a camel pulling a cart typical of trade missions of that period. In Cave 61, the celebrated landscape of Wutai Mountain is an early example of artistic Chinese cartography, where nothing has been left out - mountains, rivers, cities, temples, roads and caravans are all depicted.
  In 1900, a total of 4,500 valuable cultural relics dating from 256 to 1002, including paintings and manuscripts, were found in the Library Cave, in what was to be known as the world’s greatest discovery of ancient oriental culture.
  However, the treasures in the caves remain vulnerable to natural factors. Humid air, sunshine and weathering could all cause irreversible damage to the murals and other artworks. To protect the arts, only a few of the caves are still open to visitors. Each cave is locked behind a door to ensure complete darkness. Only flashlights are allowed in the cave, which adds to the mystery and awe of the statues.
“60”,这个在中国传统文化中特别的数字,意味着一个完整的轮回。60年,新中国从新生到繁荣,是见证沉睡千年的东方巨龙复兴的一轮。  公元2009年10月1日,保存着古老记忆和年轻感觉的首都北京迎来了一个盛大的节日庆典。世界上最大的广场,被鲜花、彩旗和一张张笑脸簇拥着,再一次吸引了世界的目光!  在56个受阅方队和梯队中,特种兵方队、无人机方队、三军女兵方队、武警装甲车方队、后勤装备方队、女飞行员梯