Theory is a reflection of reality. Any economic theory is a reflection of the relations of production in a certain social stage. At the same time, economic theory will develop with the development of society. In class antagonistic society, economic theory also represents the interests of a certain class. Any society is in the process of development. Certain societies are in the ascendant stage at the beginning, and they are in a stage of declining at a certain time. The ruling class among them is revolutionary and progressive in the rising stage of society, and has reactionary and backwardness in the descending stage In the light of changes in the nature of the class, the economic theory that represents the interests of the ruling class should also change accordingly. At a certain stage, the interests of the class represented by it are consistent with the interests of the community and have a positive meaning when it is in conformity with the requirements of social development. On the contrary, it has a negative meaning. In the stage of industrialization, capitalism has gone through two stages, rising and falling. Both Smith and Ricardo are at an upward stage of capitalism and are economists in the capitalist uprising. Their views on labor goods are relatively reasonable in their time. However, since the inherent contradictions in the capitalist society have been exposed, Say’s insistence on the viewpoint of labor goods is incorrect. Say’s view on labor goods does not conform to the actual stage of capitalism’s decline and is of a defensive nature. It is a vulgar theory. Later, after the society entered into the post-industrial stage, capitalism also had a relative adaptability through self-regulation and promoted the development of the productive forces. At this time, Samuelson again linked wages to labor. Although his wage theory lacks value On the basis, but it shows that the phenomenon of post-industrial stage in today’s era, there is its existence is reasonable.