Retinoid X receptor activities of source waters in China and their removal efficiencies during drink

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wearetian
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There is increasing evidence of estrogenic activities of source waters and drinking waters in China based on estrogen receptors(ERs) testing.However,relating such activities to retinoid X receptors(RXRs) in both drinking and source waters are lacking.To rectify this situation,we assessed 23 source water samples from six major river systems in China.We also collected samples at various stages of water processing from three drinking water treatment plants(DWTPs) using a two-hybrid RXR yeast assay with and without metabolism.No RXR agonistic activity was observed,but significant antagonistic activity was detected in all sample extracts.The RXR antagonistic activities of source water sample extracts ranged from 15.2% to 57.8% without metabolism and 11.5% to 68.3% with metabolism,respectively.In the drinking water treatment processes,RXR antagonistic activities without metabolism and with metabolism of up to 31.4% and 37.5% were removed,respectively.Nevertheless,the remaining RXR antagonists in treated drinking water from these source waters could still be harmful to human health.To the best of our knowledge,the occurrence of in vitro RXR disruption activities in source and drinking water has not been previously reported in China.Therefore,an attempt was made to conduct detailed studies investigating RXR disrupting activities and their possible risks in source and drinking water. There is increasing evidence of estrogenic activities of source waters and drinking waters in China based on estrogen receptors (ERs) testing. Despite, such activities to retinoid X receptors (RXRs) in both drinking and source waters are lacking. To rectify this situation, we assessed 23 source water samples from six major river systems in China. We also collected samples at various stages of water processing from three drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) using a two-hybrid RXR yeast assay with and without metabolism. No RXR agonistic activity was observed, but significant antagonistic activity was detected in all sample extracts. The RXR antagonistic activities of source water sample extracts ranged from 15.2% to 57.8% without metabolism and 11.5% to 68.3% with metabolism, respectively. In the drinking water treatment processes, RXR antagonistic activities without metabolism and with metabolism of up to 31.4% and 37.5% were removed, respectively. Promising, the remaining RXR antagonist s in treated drinking water from these source waters could still be harmful to human health.To the best of our knowledge, the occurrence of in vitro RXR disruption activities in source and drinking water has not been previously reported in China.Therefore, an attempt was made to conduct detailed studies investigating RXR disrupting activities and their possible risks in source and drinking water.
慈禧童年,少年是个谜    慈禧太后是清朝末期实际执掌朝政近50年的女人,她生于道光十五年(1835年),死于光绪三十四年(1908年),是中国近代史上一个重要人物。然而,就是这样一个声名显赫又死于100年前的人,她的出生地和童年、少年情况却始终是个谜。  同治的母亲慈禧太后,由于她的特殊地位、身份、影响与作用,对其身世,有多种异说。尤其是慈禧的出生地,可谓众说纷纭,莫衷一是。目前为止,有出生于甘